
Genre indie soul

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Indie soul music is a genre that blends elements of soul, funk, and R&B with indie rock and electronic music. It often features smooth, soulful vocals, groovy basslines, and funky guitar riffs. The genre is known for its experimental and eclectic sound, incorporating elements of jazz, hip-hop, and world music. It has gained popularity in recent years with artists who push the boundaries of traditional soul music, incorporating electronic production and unconventional instrumentation. (AI Generated)

Most popular indie soul artists

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Parent Genre: R&B

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Instruments used

Drum Kit, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Horn Section, Piano, Clarinet, Trombone, Trumpet, Double Bass, Saxophone, Organ, Drum Machine, Sampler, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Indie Soul genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 670
2025 11
2024 137
2023 133
2022 129
2021 103
2020 157
2010s 598
2019 106
2018 111
2017 103
2016 69
2015 56
2014 58
2013 41
2012 20
2011 24
2010 10
2000s 10
2009 3
2008 1
2007 2
2006 1
2005 1
2003 1
2000 1
1278 releases

indie soul playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular indie soul music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular indie soul Songs

Top New indie soul Songs of 2024

indie soul music by decade

Explore indie soul history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of indie soul artists

Here is a list of indie soul artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the indie soul genre. You can find out what indie soul genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 70 1652444
2 70 1493645
3 75 2627527
4 65 901941
5 67 432181
6 64 509645
7 73 1627181
8 63 825132
9 68 1516329
10 60 336337
11 56 634339
12 70 2027500
13 58 208245
14 59 689214
15 61 367673
16 69 1436818
17 51 185249
18 55 328407
19 67 1604117
20 66 927207
21 65 1304280
22 57 263307
23 47 644434
24 64 245281
25 55 73771
26 62 826637
27 62 256616
28 48 109678
29 54 133692
30 51 31493
31 43 66005
32 59 182603
33 59 302385
34 54 38814
35 46 94134
36 47 173911
37 44 287011
38 56 153333
39 47 232103
40 51 33295
41 51 55999
42 40 178036
43 50 30062
44 53 111419
45 48 22590
46 51 135254
47 41 161699
48 49 126165
49 50 315502
50 44 108161
51 43 43216
52 50 39673
53 47 134067
54 47 126584
55 50 129974
56 41 73063
57 37 50374
58 42 31610
59 42 49918
60 36 8453
61 40 73954
62 38 40056
63 42 81625
64 36 11840
65 46 37928
66 43 78277
67 43 159064
68 41 20039
69 39 94109
70 38 43542
71 37 67182
72 38 26471
73 32 90903
74 35 39322
75 34 41437
76 31 8876
77 30 39524
78 22 2439