
Genre indie

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Indie music is a diverse and eclectic genre that thrives on creative freedom and originality, often produced independently from major commercial record labels. It encompasses a wide range of sounds, from folk-inspired melodies to experimental electronic beats, characterized by its authentic, DIY spirit and emphasis on artistic expression. Known for its intimate and often introspective lyrics, indie music offers a personal connection and resonates deeply with listeners seeking an alternative to mainstream sounds. (AI Generated)

Most popular indie artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1056
2025 8
2024 233
2023 264
2022 232
2021 146
2020 173
2010s 1104
2019 175
2018 157
2017 169
2016 90
2015 108
2014 108
2013 83
2012 74
2011 70
2010 70
2000s 429
2009 81
2008 68
2007 82
2006 60
2005 34
2004 45
2003 20
2002 17
2001 13
2000 9
1990s 44
1999 7
1998 6
1997 6
1996 8
1995 5
1994 7
1993 2
1992 2
1990 1
1980s 4
1989 1
1987 2
1986 1
2637 releases

indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular indie Songs

Top New indie Songs of 2024

indie music by decade

Explore indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of indie artists

Here is a list of indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the indie genre. You can find out what indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 86 28896197
2 69 3374135
3 67 2610303
4 60 1842477
5 62 1519720
6 65 3789651
7 79 8587006
8 64 2778377
9 79 7072532
10 54 903523
11 74 3360523
12 53 853416
13 56 672272
14 55 795218
15 68 2500068
16 71 2904010
17 54 651880
18 54 878279
19 54 667168
20 51 385433
21 71 2064461
22 70 410546
23 70 1511840
24 50 805083
25 63 1415000
26 56 1195206
27 67 957878
28 55 450176
29 63 2010630
30 55 693264
31 44 248669
32 65 1961602
33 65 708740
34 65 2227413
35 46 184458
36 64 271303
37 63 1135021
38 63 1048324
39 62 1222631
40 41 207603
41 61 1207973
42 62 1090131
43 62 865842
44 45 278831
45 61 180213
46 61 1437766
47 61 1004755
48 44 352200
49 57 598310
50 60 412951
51 42 201646
52 56 1250000
53 57 677890
54 59 740606
55 59 650133
56 58 697520
57 54 572409
58 58 78094
59 45 344474
60 58 612089
61 58 384935
62 40 207825
63 56 475404
64 56 162884
65 56 772329
66 54 341804
67 43 372473
68 54 326001
69 54 89335
70 54 796681
71 54 79891
72 54 305560
73 53 559221
74 53 256293
75 53 298325
76 52 269172
77 40 173691
78 52 257048
79 51 45204
80 51 400118
81 48 310520
82 50 414015
83 46 402263
84 49 583594
85 48 192639
86 48 127217
87 47 101627
88 47 156893
89 46 204253
90 45 393968
91 44 203492
92 43 142215
93 43 125621
94 42 159854
95 42 137084
96 42 110641
97 41 63488
98 41 58742
99 40 138776
100 39 274152