
Genre: industrial rock

Play genre

Parent Genre: rock

Industrial rock is a genre that combines heavy metal and electronic music, often featuring distorted guitar riffs, synthesizers, and aggressive vocals. The lyrics often touch on themes of social and political commentary, as well as personal struggles and dark subject matter. The genre emerged in the late 1980s and gained popularity in the 1990s, with bands incorporating elements of industrial music, punk rock, and alternative rock. The sound is characterized by a raw, gritty, and industrial feel, with a focus on creating a powerful and intense atmosphere.

Most popular industrial rock artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Drum Machine, Sampler

Popular industrial rock Songs

Top New industrial rock Songs of 2024

industrial rock music by decade

Explore industrial rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of industrial rock artists

Here is a list of industrial rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the industrial rock genre. You can find out what industrial rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 212299
2 39 142013
3 66 2544846
4 33 83597
5 21 17482
6 28 26361
7 36 90290
8 34 54806
9 70 4255444
10 28 24800
11 18 7613
12 27 37727
13 16 11509
14 14 7839
15 20 16013
16 79 9418320
17 14 5962
18 14 14030
19 7 4248
20 52 510448
21 29 26499
22 36 78842
23 35 57158
24 35 88093
25 29 42030
26 37 78225
27 25 36726
28 29 63318
29 29 19881
30 19 18654
31 15 6527
32 68 2884731
33 9 4435
34 8 6550
35 24 11996
36 23 14737
37 58 1423559
38 50 304471
39 31 64067
40 46 172334
41 17 7450
42 49 335057
43 25 41850
44 26 27605
45 11 4038
46 22 28281
47 23 15273
48 13 5632
49 41 191969
50 46 291895
51 49 286691
52 49 380383
53 32 99245
54 52 258604
55 44 203983
56 13 5703
57 30 58398
58 11 6568
59 8 4515
60 44 101390
61 36 101681
62 31 101200
63 39 141848
64 33 69958
65 25 26770
66 36 67131
67 27 18799
68 34 20764
69 35 65947
70 33 38966
71 32 36954
72 31 37765
73 30 33748
74 26 43322
75 24 8488
76 58 912385
77 23 35627
78 29 41823
79 21 19808
80 22 6879
81 54 843071
82 27 24053
83 63 1108095
84 16 11935
85 17 23333
86 26 30208
87 55 639070
88 48 327772
89 13 8628
90 17 12699
91 12 5943
92 55 507288
93 35 128682
94 30 37316
95 33 135346
96 29 20380
97 20 7641
98 10 5365
99 9 3334
100 7 2636

industrial rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular industrial rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.