
Genre: instrumental acoustic guitar

Play genre

Instrumental acoustic guitar music is a genre that features the use of acoustic guitars as the primary instrument. The music is often characterized by intricate fingerpicking patterns, melodic runs, and a focus on the natural sound of the guitar. The genre can range from soothing and relaxing to upbeat and energetic. The artists in this genre often showcase their technical skills and musicality through their compositions.

Most popular instrumental acoustic guitar artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Instrumental Acoustic Guitar genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 489
2024 46
2023 115
2022 95
2021 119
2020 114
2010s 278
2019 114
2018 61
2017 26
2016 17
2015 9
2014 11
2013 8
2012 10
2011 16
2010 6
2000s 49
2009 9
2008 7
2007 8
2006 6
2005 4
2004 6
2003 3
2002 4
2001 1
2000 1
1990s 11
1999 2
1998 3
1996 1
1994 2
1993 1
1992 1
1991 1
1980s 1
1985 1
1970s 3
1977 1
1975 1
1973 1
831 releases

Popular instrumental acoustic guitar Songs

Top New instrumental acoustic guitar Songs of 2024

instrumental acoustic guitar music by decade

Explore instrumental acoustic guitar history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of instrumental acoustic guitar artists

Here is a list of instrumental acoustic guitar artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the instrumental acoustic guitar genre. You can find out what instrumental acoustic guitar genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 13217
2 47 12580
3 35 3178
4 35 6148
5 47 4041
6 47 2504
7 46 3377
8 33 4944
9 44 1670
10 44 6162
11 30 2217
12 29 2244
13 41 2179
14 28 7271
15 40 3185
16 39 1547
17 26 7488
18 26 2526
19 39 1311
20 39 1818
21 39 1758
22 38 22637
23 25 5139
24 24 1922
25 37 66352
26 23 1282
27 35 1763
28 34 1174
29 34 1238
30 33 931
31 32 1984
32 31 3277
33 31 1387
34 31 2560
35 30 1985
36 30 2695
37 30 5735
38 16 2675
39 27 2186
40 28 586
41 28 357
42 27 2908
43 25 1116
44 25 739
45 25 11314
46 23 1083
47 21 754
48 21 940
49 20 217
50 19 928
51 19 416
52 17 520
53 16 929
54 14 634
55 14 280
56 13 443
57 12 368
58 11 2723
59 9 981
60 9 244
61 7 197
62 7 179
63 5 274
64 4 259
65 1 57

instrumental acoustic guitar playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular instrumental acoustic guitar music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.