
Genre: instrumental post-rock

Play genre

Instrumental post-rock is a genre of music that combines elements of rock, ambient, and classical music. It typically features complex and layered guitar melodies, atmospheric soundscapes, and dynamic shifts in tempo and intensity. The absence of vocals allows for a greater focus on the instrumentation and emotional expression through the music itself. This genre often evokes a sense of introspection, nostalgia, and contemplation.

Most popular instrumental post-rock artists

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Parent Genre: rock

Related genres

Instruments used

Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Instrumental Post-rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 324
2024 40
2023 79
2022 63
2021 75
2020 67
2010s 582
2019 64
2018 65
2017 51
2016 63
2015 45
2014 59
2013 65
2012 58
2011 62
2010 50
2000s 206
2009 39
2008 39
2007 32
2006 27
2005 21
2004 10
2003 16
2002 7
2001 12
2000 3
1990s 15
1999 8
1998 1
1997 6
1127 releases

Popular instrumental post-rock Songs

Top New instrumental post-rock Songs of 2024

instrumental post-rock music by decade

Explore instrumental post-rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of instrumental post-rock artists

Here is a list of instrumental post-rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the instrumental post-rock genre. You can find out what instrumental post-rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 644272
2 45 257593
3 48 161082
4 51 583807
5 43 246703
6 39 145374
7 49 180244
8 38 54566
9 30 61218
10 37 119132
11 38 93132
12 32 114238
13 37 70021
14 32 79021
15 48 274454
16 25 31943
17 46 422484
18 37 85004
19 29 75606
20 37 49850
21 37 74421
22 29 31399
23 38 16929
24 35 52130
25 26 19491
26 38 20987
27 38 55263
28 35 92820
29 38 187177
30 40 139431
31 24 24569
32 32 65470
33 29 16432
34 33 17331
35 24 27303
36 25 16836
37 26 17995
38 21 15905
39 30 15630
40 38 32401
41 29 15418
42 19 26122
43 16 11184
44 23 31832
45 15 10289
46 37 12880
47 35 24792
48 19 15421
49 50 306876
50 34 16975
51 46 110736
52 38 23073
53 18 6343
54 21 13167
55 46 45581
56 23 3122
57 23 14683
58 40 124741
59 20 5121
60 41 18004
61 19 7545
62 25 5462
63 17 13200
64 33 40025
65 16 6799
66 38 41918
67 28 5654
68 31 39325
69 31 11261
70 26 25012
71 14 11020
72 26 10032
73 22 11645
74 33 7377
75 24 5439
76 27 52693
77 23 2713
78 22 8973
79 24 10628
80 28 21986
81 19 13266
82 27 224
83 25 40185
84 16 10259
85 19 10126
86 18 7681
87 20 5240
88 19 13510
89 24 17282
90 17 4118
91 16 10769
92 14 7313
93 18 8874
94 15 7526
95 20 3124
96 13 3864
97 18 1947
98 15 6508
99 17 5681
100 13 1779

instrumental post-rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular instrumental post-rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.