
Genre: italian folk

Play genre

Italian folk music is a genre that is deeply rooted in the country's cultural heritage. It is characterized by its use of traditional instruments such as the tambourine, accordion, and mandolin. The music often tells stories of everyday life and is sung in various dialects of Italian. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating elements of jazz, rock, and world music. It is a celebration of Italy's rich history and diverse regional cultures.

Most popular italian folk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Italian Folk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 17
2023 3
2022 6
2021 2
2020 6
2010s 102
2019 9
2018 9
2017 7
2016 8
2015 7
2014 6
2013 16
2012 16
2011 12
2010 12
2000s 74
2009 11
2008 3
2007 15
2006 9
2005 6
2004 4
2003 8
2002 5
2001 4
2000 9
1990s 19
1999 1
1998 2
1997 4
1996 7
1994 1
1993 2
1992 1
1990 1
1980s 5
1989 1
1988 1
1987 1
1983 1
1980 1
1970s 11
1978 2
1977 1
1976 2
1975 1
1974 1
1973 2
1972 2
1960s 2
1969 1
1965 1
230 releases

Popular italian folk Songs

italian folk music by decade

Explore italian folk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of italian folk artists

Here is a list of italian folk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the italian folk genre. You can find out what italian folk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 31 16560
2 44 54669
3 31 8625
4 18 6405
5 16 2030
6 15 1861
7 14 3149
8 38 12981
9 38 31412
10 19 2731
11 32 15341
12 35 3651
13 17 4691
14 20 3163
15 12 4189
16 17 2000
17 17 2468
18 16 2688
19 15 806
20 29 3577
21 30 18955
22 14 2522
23 13 1283
24 26 2871
25 27 13877
26 26 23364
27 11 319
28 23 19374
29 21 1215
30 10 1937
31 25 1028
32 9 2372
33 24 8394
34 24 5514
35 24 14040
36 24 3196
37 8 650
38 8 1400
39 22 10303
40 20 3261
41 6 705
42 6 587
43 19 4087
44 19 1452
45 18 12206
46 5 989
47 5 1038
48 19 1304
49 16 2964
50 19 3397
51 18 2878
52 18 5892
53 17 3951
54 17 1768
55 17 2005
56 16 1842
57 15 944
58 15 628
59 14 212
60 14 2254
61 12 822
62 12 198
63 11 110
64 11 1065
65 4 488
66 6 372
67 7 612
68 6 346
69 5 601
70 5 238
71 5 666
72 5 97
73 5 916
74 5 908
75 3 577
76 4 1152
77 4 872
78 4 400
79 3 179
80 3 352
81 3 203
82 3 249
83 3 817
84 2 433
85 2 395
86 2 189
87 2 295
88 1 175
89 1 139
90 1 1582
91 1 372
92 1 138
93 1 321
94 1 207

italian folk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular italian folk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.