
Genre italian singer-songwriter

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Italian singer-songwriter music is characterized by its poetic and emotive lyrics, often exploring themes of love, life, and social issues. This genre blends traditional Italian melodies with contemporary sounds, featuring rich storytelling and expressive vocals. Typically accompanied by acoustic instruments, such as guitar and piano, the music captures the essence of Italian culture and its passionate spirit, inviting listeners into a world of introspective and heartfelt experiences. (AI Generated)

Most popular italian singer-songwriter artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Italian Singer-songwriter genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1089
2025 11
2024 199
2023 351
2022 195
2021 184
2020 149
2010s 1412
2019 144
2018 108
2017 142
2016 129
2015 146
2014 147
2013 163
2012 153
2011 162
2010 118
2000s 1019
2009 126
2008 120
2007 135
2006 131
2005 76
2004 69
2003 71
2002 86
2001 100
2000 105
1990s 642
1999 84
1998 76
1997 81
1996 83
1995 66
1994 59
1993 52
1992 54
1991 42
1990 45
1980s 380
1989 44
1988 36
1987 33
1986 23
1985 36
1984 43
1983 41
1982 37
1981 45
1980 42
1970s 405
1979 46
1978 42
1977 43
1976 39
1975 34
1974 45
1973 48
1972 49
1971 24
1970 35
1960s 97
1969 15
1968 24
1967 11
1966 14
1965 4
1964 2
1963 9
1962 8
1961 9
1960 1
1950s 9
1959 2
1958 1
1956 1
1954 2
1953 2
1951 1
1940s 5
1942 5
1890s 1
1899 1
5059 releases

italian singer-songwriter playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular italian singer-songwriter music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular italian singer-songwriter Songs

Top New italian singer-songwriter Songs of 2024

italian singer-songwriter music by decade

Explore italian singer-songwriter history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of italian singer-songwriter artists

Here is a list of italian singer-songwriter artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the italian singer-songwriter genre. You can find out what italian singer-songwriter genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 65 3848940
2 60 1357866
3 60 1107087
4 56 909080
5 55 1038989
6 54 865627
7 53 252362
8 52 346210
9 51 350770
10 58 233165
11 64 2159585
12 63 2601566
13 62 1090849
14 61 1048309
15 55 460566
16 61 920017
17 61 990197
18 58 406821
19 58 975291
20 50 180115
21 56 891133
22 51 232322
23 55 624153
24 59 1501086
25 58 1299606
26 46 47026
27 48 79162
28 45 33201
29 55 851664
30 51 433553
31 51 418337
32 50 322076
33 54 829940
34 53 336449
35 53 916247
36 52 308162
37 48 148543
38 47 111626
39 47 62971
40 47 212185
41 47 91822
42 46 245133
43 50 364510
44 44 92843
45 50 477502
46 49 127585
47 49 149785
48 49 502216
49 48 221799
50 48 202293
51 48 330323
52 48 450841
53 44 85963
54 44 248634
55 47 311178
56 43 72939
57 47 290585
58 43 49261
59 46 154003
60 45 287236
61 44 152495
62 43 195286
63 43 198889
64 67 1291353
65 63 1124182
66 62 1344938
67 61 343446
68 59 1168074
69 56 932855
70 54 295725
71 54 919409
72 53 333999
73 53 876232
74 52 216192
75 51 433194
76 47 234894
77 51 462751
78 50 287898
79 50 394147
80 49 694276
81 49 55841
82 48 369328
83 48 615491
84 48 439305
85 47 144882
86 46 302077
87 46 362979
88 46 662613
89 46 225135
90 46 206377
91 46 36719
92 45 80919
93 45 350151
94 45 45077
95 45 172021
96 44 255943
97 44 244841
98 43 116785
99 43 26378
100 43 198858