
Genre: j-division

Play genre

J-division is a Japanese music genre that combines elements of pop, rock, and electronic music. It is characterized by upbeat and catchy melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and a strong emphasis on vocal performance. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among young audiences, and has produced a number of successful artists and groups. V, HoneyWorks, and wacci are all examples of J-division musicians who have achieved significant success in the industry.

Most popular j-division artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of J-division genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 715
2024 74
2023 153
2022 149
2021 172
2020 167
2010s 564
2019 100
2018 88
2017 92
2016 74
2015 72
2014 50
2013 39
2012 15
2011 21
2010 13
2000s 14
2009 10
2008 2
2007 2
1293 releases

Popular j-division Songs

Top New j-division Songs of 2024

Most popular j-division albums

Winter Bear
ITAEWON CLASS (Original Television Soundtrack)
ITAEWON CLASS (Original Television Soundtrack) Pt. 12

j-division music by decade

Explore j-division history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of j-division artists

Here is a list of j-division artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the j-division genre. You can find out what j-division genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 82 18714400
2 58 823937
3 57 665928
4 55 911096
5 53 644269
6 54 370199
7 52 686534
8 54 321317
9 40 63970
10 49 321523
11 49 145251
12 26 26878
13 39 166608
14 33 3364
15 41 59234
16 41 89643
17 20 5405
18 20 16138
19 43 252649
20 26 4436
21 47 162715
22 35 44102
23 30 3118
24 18 13804
25 18 13117
26 37 58894
27 41 105273
28 39 30127
29 37 76937
30 37 68507
31 28 2738
32 45 121146
33 35 75826
34 35 33082
35 40 105900
36 34 10572
37 34 67028
38 33 20082
39 42 52409
40 24 7313
41 41 14333
42 33 150555
43 40 40104
44 40 49648
45 23 22445
46 39 34559
47 30 5540
48 39 98826
49 26 40744
50 23 8139
51 21 1356
52 38 78639
53 38 32144
54 20 689
55 20 947
56 36 97797
57 19 1286
58 19 1053
59 36 21659
60 36 23445
61 36 98833
62 24 21911
63 32 6185
64 18 1250
65 35 15728
66 31 2223
67 34 32181
68 34 44981
69 33 38639
70 31 2236
71 28 13138
72 33 106400
73 32 15188
74 30 35279
75 19 9008
76 26 12035
77 19 5219
78 29 31674
79 25 25077
80 28 15198
81 21 913
82 24 56707
83 25 8339
84 25 21098
85 24 7077
86 19 49545
87 23 4057
88 23 25232
89 19 16052
90 23 11306
91 22 2642
92 21 1483
93 21 1150
94 21 12655
95 20 13109
96 19 16151
97 19 5021
98 18 4337
99 17 11046
100 17 3872

j-division playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular j-division music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.