
Genre: j-idol

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

J-idol music is a popular genre in Japan that features groups of young female singers and dancers who perform catchy and upbeat pop songs. The music is often accompanied by elaborate choreography and colorful costumes, and the groups are known for their high-energy performances. The lyrics of the songs typically focus on themes of love, friendship, and self-empowerment, and the music is popular among fans of all ages. Some of the most popular J-idol groups include Nogizaka46, Perfume, and AKB48.

Most popular j-idol artists

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Popular j-idol Songs

Top New j-idol Songs of 2024

j-idol music by decade

Explore j-idol history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of j-idol artists

Here is a list of j-idol artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the j-idol genre. You can find out what j-idol genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 457917
2 61 1228230
3 55 790373
4 47 208900
5 50 611723
6 45 475386
7 34 69437
8 39 81536
9 48 30837
10 34 79868
11 34 71007
12 46 58530
13 25 16566
14 40 11160
15 26 37886
16 24 9526
17 31 7986
18 49 462532
19 43 280115
20 41 78935
21 40 110217
22 39 121941
23 20 9914
24 19 17072
25 35 55724
26 38 104029
27 21 3109
28 21 5247
29 37 89263
30 23 26051
31 21 17080
32 30 33066
33 37 43789
34 24 19378
35 24 14619
36 34 68775
37 22 7848
38 21 5039
39 14 5166
40 25 14534
41 35 25310
42 33 56585
43 14 12549
44 35 80590
45 12 752
46 20 21919
47 32 38000
48 18 24500
49 29 63105
50 11 3488
51 15 5540
52 6 4477
53 14 7723
54 4 4375
55 25 8010
56 25 7528
57 6 4412
58 23 16625
59 22 9081
60 22 21014
61 22 6986
62 21 2897
63 20 3049
64 20 6689
65 3 3204
66 2 648
67 17 5782
68 10 3658
69 16 2542
70 16 3154
71 15 4338
72 13 2019
73 12 4393
74 12 4090
75 10 2556
76 9 984
77 8 235
78 7 12700
79 3 2133
80 7 915
81 5 2204
82 1 1058

j-idol playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular j-idol music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.