
Genre: japanese hardcore

Play genre

Parent Genre: blues

Japanese hardcore music is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is characterized by its aggressive and fast-paced sound, often featuring distorted guitars, heavy bass lines, and pounding drums. The lyrics often deal with social and political issues, as well as personal struggles. SLANG, KRUELTY, and G.I.S.M. are all notable bands within this genre, known for their intense and uncompromising sound.

Most popular japanese hardcore artists

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Popular japanese hardcore Songs

japanese hardcore music by decade

Explore japanese hardcore history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of japanese hardcore artists

Here is a list of japanese hardcore artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the japanese hardcore genre. You can find out what japanese hardcore genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 19 5974
2 21 15627
3 21 18710
4 16 11928
5 17 7682
6 26 2084
7 14 9196
8 24 16814
9 12 5417
10 10 2867
11 13 3353
12 11 4149
13 15 3531
14 6 3524
15 8 831
16 4 2244
17 6 1875
18 9 4291
19 4 1202
20 8 2515
21 10 2010
22 10 673
23 10 3079
24 10 3386
25 6 2129
26 5 3663
27 8 949
28 8 3766
29 7 1531
30 7 2076
31 6 525
32 6 1814
33 6 1521
34 6 1143
35 5 252
36 5 1417
37 5 338
38 5 781
39 3 2359
40 2 2045
41 4 143
42 4 792
43 4 1529
44 3 445
45 3 357
46 3 246
47 3 1272
48 3 563
49 3 679
50 1 1635
51 1 432
52 2 1045
53 2 864
54 2 217
55 2 2218
56 2 1162
57 2 431
58 2 605
59 2 1066
60 2 697
61 2 394
62 2 187
63 2 280
64 2 389
65 1 116
66 1 386
67 1 564
68 1 275
69 1 274
70 1 263
71 1 485
72 1 304
73 1 168
74 1 785

japanese hardcore playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular japanese hardcore music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.