
Genre japanese indie

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Japanese indie music is a vibrant and eclectic genre that blends traditional Japanese influences with a wide array of Western sounds, from folk and rock to electronic and pop. Characterized by its innovative approach, it often features experimental melodies and heartfelt lyrics that resonate with both local and international audiences. This genre thrives in intimate live venues and online platforms, where artists showcase their unique styles and authentic voices, contributing to a diverse and dynamic music scene. (AI Generated)

Most popular japanese indie artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Japanese Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 6765
2025 13
2024 1041
2023 2010
2022 1497
2021 1177
2020 1027
2010s 3192
2019 823
2018 588
2017 459
2016 322
2015 244
2014 220
2013 185
2012 131
2011 119
2010 101
2000s 696
2009 100
2008 95
2007 81
2006 72
2005 72
2004 79
2003 57
2002 53
2001 43
2000 44
1990s 189
1999 53
1998 37
1997 34
1996 19
1995 14
1994 7
1993 6
1992 12
1991 6
1990 1
1980s 7
1989 2
1986 1
1984 1
1981 1
1980 2
1970s 6
1979 1
1978 2
1977 2
1976 1
10855 releases

japanese indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular japanese indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular japanese indie Songs

Top New japanese indie Songs of 2024

japanese indie music by decade

Explore japanese indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of japanese indie artists

Here is a list of japanese indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the japanese indie genre. You can find out what japanese indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 518672
2 71 2935894
3 66 2490122
4 66 2026202
5 59 345015
6 41 96850
7 51 74691
8 73 3000019
9 48 234263
10 52 414455
11 49 201212
12 50 67446
13 49 361026
14 48 224533
15 49 273994
16 47 284688
17 48 281618
18 46 196152
19 48 300123
20 45 202212
21 47 372349
22 44 68879
23 44 188760
24 41 103828
25 59 1430230
26 61 227990
27 57 425950
28 50 170033
29 55 610906
30 47 147276
31 46 134291
32 46 319144
33 45 32605
34 48 369244
35 49 419170
36 43 73117
37 44 128902
38 48 112847
39 46 117706
40 44 140440
41 46 269853
42 43 116163
43 43 168207
44 42 205725
45 42 117263
46 42 196203
47 41 130139
48 41 74436
49 41 151706
50 41 164256
51 45 97463
52 44 103297
53 43 72329
54 53 213937
55 42 52282
56 41 74343
57 41 15062
58 45 273503
59 52 627683
60 63 1192399
61 52 89454
62 48 305630
63 42 97121
64 46 146026
65 45 201178
66 45 141329
67 45 54100
68 45 168909
69 44 65247
70 43 171566
71 43 144938
72 43 248100
73 49 226303
74 44 253973
75 46 154156
76 63 1333214
77 43 199129
78 52 140102
79 42 105744
80 48 184727
81 46 31848
82 45 95897
83 42 38033
84 44 85359
85 43 59659
86 42 51454
87 42 57951
88 61 836458
89 45 172582
90 47 31704
91 47 61186
92 44 59570
93 46 54977
94 46 64684
95 42 208839
96 44 62277
97 41 77038
98 47 321587
99 44 238993
100 43 128897