
Genre: japanese r&b

Play genre

Parent Genre: R&B

Japanese R&B music is a genre that blends traditional R&B elements with Japanese pop culture influences. The music often features smooth, soulful vocals and incorporates electronic beats and instrumentation. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and personal growth. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with the emergence of new artists who bring their own unique style and perspective to the music scene.

Most popular japanese r&b artists

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Popular japanese r&b Songs

Top New japanese r&b Songs of 2024

japanese r&b music by decade

Explore japanese r&b history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of japanese r&b artists

Here is a list of japanese r&b artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the japanese r&b genre. You can find out what japanese r&b genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 117798
2 50 123826
3 54 390737
4 54 261118
5 44 80281
6 37 40800
7 38 43529
8 45 171265
9 53 536556
10 40 72588
11 46 308596
12 36 132154
13 54 1009893
14 48 93150
15 47 79503
16 34 76571
17 49 159666
18 37 25613
19 44 97840
20 47 79327
21 56 45349
22 45 54897
23 42 104534
24 46 127947
25 41 59330
26 42 43045
27 47 308465
28 42 53665
29 41 191229
30 40 45745
31 41 43459
32 45 255188
33 44 267449
34 39 39796
35 48 43865
36 38 31282
37 38 38678
38 43 95219
39 51 78379
40 37 93929
41 46 193698
42 49 171829
43 36 32131
44 50 30070
45 36 14474
46 50 33585
47 35 35786
48 36 39212
49 34 22283
50 38 107918
51 38 105164
52 36 33496
53 45 121245
54 45 71548
55 45 67293
56 41 31926
57 45 142497
58 42 157411
59 44 78736
60 34 29593
61 43 77032
62 43 46512
63 41 131805
64 42 72692
65 42 31641
66 40 90854
67 42 16362
68 41 62552
69 42 3051
70 39 15727
71 39 61519
72 39 141292
73 41 66144
74 41 110022
75 37 27553
76 40 25641
77 40 72464
78 40 113612
79 39 135976
80 39 87436
81 39 75717
82 39 59927
83 38 21010
84 37 6698
85 36 7248
86 36 76660
87 34 45825
88 35 15298
89 35 17304
90 35 16441
91 35 26250
92 35 16547
93 34 7560
94 34 9912
95 34 14519
96 34 9347
97 34 38697
98 34 44211
99 34 16950
100 34 26546

japanese r&b playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular japanese r&b music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.