
Genre japanese vgm

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Japanese VGM music is a genre that has gained popularity in recent years. It is characterized by its use of electronic and orchestral instruments, as well as its incorporation of traditional Japanese music elements. HOYO-MiX, SEGA SOUND TEAM, and Yu-Peng Chen are all notable contributors to this genre, creating music that is both nostalgic and innovative. Their compositions often feature catchy melodies, intricate harmonies, and dynamic rhythms that capture the essence of classic video games. Overall, Japanese VGM music is a unique and exciting genre that continues to evolve and inspire new generations of gamers and music lovers alike. (AI Generated)

Most popular japanese vgm artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Japanese Vgm genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1511
2025 3
2024 216
2023 389
2022 371
2021 320
2020 212
2010s 951
2019 171
2018 151
2017 108
2016 105
2015 98
2014 85
2013 83
2012 76
2011 44
2010 30
2000s 237
2009 38
2008 30
2007 34
2006 46
2005 35
2004 17
2003 9
2002 13
2001 9
2000 6
1990s 89
1999 20
1998 8
1997 12
1996 6
1995 9
1994 5
1993 7
1992 7
1991 10
1990 5
1980s 20
1989 7
1988 3
1987 10
2808 releases

japanese vgm playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular japanese vgm music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular japanese vgm Songs

Top New japanese vgm Songs of 2024

Most popular japanese vgm albums

Minecraft: Caves & Cliffs (Original Game Soundtrack)
SILENT HILL2 (Original Soundtrack)
Space Colony Ark: Act1 (TeddyLoid x Jun Senoue Remix) [Trailer version] - SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS
Honkai Impact 3rd - Review (Original Soundtrack)
Lighting Ceremony
Monodrama (From "Honkai: Star Rail") [Sparkle Theme]
A Dramatic Irony (From "Honkai: Star Rail")

japanese vgm music by decade

Explore japanese vgm history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of japanese vgm artists

Here is a list of japanese vgm artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the japanese vgm genre. You can find out what japanese vgm genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 188887
2 66 34652
3 66 329554
4 59 337761
5 56 189777
6 56 103882
7 55 20665
8 50 40922
9 50 15509
10 50 42818
11 49 124616
12 49 23929
13 65 88280
14 64 23584
15 46 68073
16 46 48642
17 60 197031
18 60 121123
19 41 35509
20 58 24746
21 58 42210
22 39 2584
23 55 45880
24 55 9993
25 54 72808
26 36 2302
27 53 24768
28 53 77795
29 52 81540
30 51 37334
31 52 35955
32 50 22919
33 45 21407
34 48 24034
35 46 54409
36 48 58516
37 48 26899
38 48 18796
39 47 100246
40 47 4129
41 47 64406
42 46 15719
43 45 24262
44 45 96218
45 45 28994
46 45 26891
47 45 16207
48 44 32037
49 44 537
50 44 10561
51 43 4785
52 43 10939
53 43 7084
54 43 8932
55 42 4132
56 40 31071
57 42 14191
58 42 2322
59 41 3484
60 41 982
61 39 53640
62 41 9501
63 40 3397
64 40 4811
65 40 4941
66 40 2230
67 40 1535
68 39 6778
69 37 5106
70 38 1423
71 38 10119
72 38 2208
73 37 12024
74 37 2857
75 37 18091
76 37 3119
77 37 9868
78 37 6448
79 36 3079
80 36 3873
81 36 7476
82 36 12830
83 36 12174
84 34 21052
85 35 32191
86 35 21050
87 35 2134
88 35 2746
89 35 3820
90 35 1967
91 35 572
92 35 20224
93 34 1459
94 34 10177
95 34 674
96 34 5318
97 34 1166
98 34 7624
99 34 23503
100 33 28781