
Genre jazz beats

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Jazz beats music blends the rich, improvisational elements of traditional jazz with modern rhythmic patterns, creating an infectious and engaging soundscape. It often incorporates complex drum patterns and bass lines, harmonizing smooth melodies with dynamic tempos. This genre provides a perfect backdrop for relaxation and creativity, delivering an energizing yet soothing experience. (AI Generated)

Most popular jazz beats artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Jazz Beats genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 10035
2025 33
2024 1483
2023 3540
2022 2302
2021 1511
2020 1166
2010s 1896
2019 686
2018 506
2017 323
2016 150
2015 76
2014 43
2013 39
2012 36
2011 27
2010 10
2000s 24
2009 10
2008 5
2007 2
2006 3
2005 1
2003 1
2000 2
1990s 1
1997 1
11956 releases

jazz beats playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular jazz beats music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular jazz beats Songs

Top New jazz beats Songs of 2024

jazz beats music by decade

Explore jazz beats history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of jazz beats artists

Here is a list of jazz beats artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the jazz beats genre. You can find out what jazz beats genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 21261
2 45 6596
3 58 18965
4 52 72268
5 51 11324
6 50 11000
7 54 29496
8 48 14108
9 52 5303
10 52 46043
11 52 5445
12 46 10400
13 46 8024
14 46 25612
15 45 9221
16 50 13339
17 45 8502
18 48 1484
19 48 1770
20 47 1466
21 45 9677
22 44 25754
23 54 6827
24 54 18770
25 53 3174
26 52 4732
27 51 17429
28 51 163282
29 51 1431
30 50 27416
31 50 86379
32 50 4063
33 49 632
34 49 4393
35 49 1828
36 48 41915
37 48 3459
38 48 2133
39 48 2908
40 47 144493
41 46 79880
42 47 1247
43 47 3389
44 47 44063
45 47 16899
46 47 1404
47 46 4509
48 46 16029
49 46 27154
50 46 130971
51 46 24752
52 46 24955
53 46 23964
54 46 1006
55 46 3952
56 45 1319
57 45 2711
58 45 10030
59 44 826
60 44 2653
61 44 7761
62 44 2936
63 44 777
64 47 605
65 47 4442
66 47 40792
67 53 2805
68 45 28552
69 45 14418
70 51 2277
71 50 4801
72 48 1334
73 48 923
74 48 8083
75 47 1554
76 47 1420
77 47 1683
78 46 1935
79 46 9059
80 46 8384
81 46 438
82 46 559
83 46 1294
84 45 3127
85 45 2032
86 46 60918
87 45 39846
88 45 177270
89 45 112904
90 46 79085
91 44 35015
92 45 96899
93 44 34419
94 51 39227
95 45 10962
96 51 21625
97 45 13697
98 45 21009
99 47 27019
100 45 8864