
Genre: jig and reel

Play genre

Jig and reel is a lively and energetic music genre that originated in Ireland and Scotland. It features fast-paced rhythms and intricate melodies played on traditional instruments such as fiddles, bagpipes, and accordions. The music is often accompanied by dancing, with the emphasis on footwork and rhythm. Jig and reel music has evolved over time and has been influenced by other genres such as bluegrass and country. Today, it is enjoyed by audiences all over the world and is often performed by virtuoso musicians who have mastered the art of playing these complex and challenging tunes.

Most popular jig and reel artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Jig And Reel genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 13
2024 3
2023 2
2022 2
2021 3
2020 3
2010s 49
2019 2
2018 3
2017 4
2016 5
2015 1
2014 2
2013 7
2012 6
2011 11
2010 8
2000s 76
2009 11
2008 9
2007 9
2006 20
2005 9
2004 4
2003 4
2002 3
2001 5
2000 2
1990s 23
1999 2
1998 2
1997 2
1996 4
1995 3
1994 3
1992 3
1991 3
1990 1
1980s 6
1989 1
1988 1
1987 1
1983 2
1981 1
1970s 4
1977 2
1972 1
1970 1
1960s 1
1967 1
172 releases

Popular jig and reel Songs

jig and reel music by decade

Explore jig and reel history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of jig and reel artists

Here is a list of jig and reel artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the jig and reel genre. You can find out what jig and reel genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 34 15458
2 50 49745
3 27 3739
4 24 1223
5 34 39611
6 23 6373
7 23 4826
8 35 18995
9 21 4632
10 11 1412
11 30 18624
12 28 7875
13 11 1123
14 13 1596
15 13 2339
16 19 5151
17 12 999
18 31 6337
19 31 6923
20 31 1555
21 27 5696
22 10 348
23 27 5320
24 29 957
25 9 394
26 8 158
27 8 323
28 27 6782
29 19 1334
30 6 1209
31 6 587
32 21 1563
33 5 1246
34 5 771
35 19 2734
36 9 2560
37 24 395
38 15 934
39 18 2730
40 17 347
41 16 2531
42 12 1581
43 1 202
44 1 398
45 12 1426
46 9 1331
47 17 2089
48 19 2268
49 12 1131
50 9 515
51 12 2025
52 11 1657
53 17 1022
54 17 2870
55 17 1927
56 10 976
57 16 88
58 6 725
59 6 845
60 4 739
61 4 450
62 5 1008
63 5 1015
64 13 1426
65 4 849
66 12 1551
67 3 1162
68 11 864
69 11 1080
70 4 116
71 10 1263
72 8 460
73 10 798
74 10 805
75 7 496
76 1 186
77 7 277
78 3 196
79 9 758
80 9 1063
81 8 696
82 8 956
83 8 496
84 1 89
85 6 239
86 6 71
87 6 817
88 6 294
89 5 1509
90 5 644
91 5 594
92 4 535
93 4 482
94 4 669
95 3 398
96 3 335
97 2 657
98 1 352
99 1 89

jig and reel playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular jig and reel music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.