
Genre: jump up

Play genre

Jump up music is a subgenre of drum and bass that is characterized by its energetic and upbeat tempo, heavy basslines, and use of samples and vocal snippets. It often features a playful and party-like atmosphere, with a focus on getting people dancing and moving. Jump up music has gained popularity in recent years, with artists incorporating elements of other genres such as hip hop and trap.

Most popular jump up artists

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Parent Genre: Electronic

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Synthesizer, Bass Guitar, Drum Machine, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Sampler, Bass Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Jump Up genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 549
2024 65
2023 176
2022 115
2021 103
2020 90
2010s 524
2019 79
2018 61
2017 65
2016 55
2015 57
2014 61
2013 54
2012 31
2011 35
2010 26
2000s 82
2009 15
2008 11
2007 11
2006 9
2005 4
2004 8
2003 6
2002 5
2001 7
2000 6
1990s 26
1999 3
1998 6
1997 7
1996 3
1995 4
1994 2
1993 1
1181 releases

Popular jump up Songs

Top New jump up Songs of 2024

jump up music by decade

Explore jump up history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of jump up artists

Here is a list of jump up artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the jump up genre. You can find out what jump up genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 31 28186
2 49 66025
3 38 64944
4 39 20543
5 38 61136
6 32 42035
7 29 20765
8 29 16377
9 27 14619
10 38 22119
11 27 10314
12 24 20712
13 36 36417
14 22 12818
15 35 21845
16 42 24154
17 18 7731
18 39 69987
19 28 33909
20 35 3136
21 35 36984
22 34 51429
23 29 12071
24 30 23286
25 36 20021
26 27 18494
27 24 10696
28 42 22690
29 46 48620
30 38 44521
31 41 36109
32 30 11332
33 32 45254
34 50 32786
35 34 12895
36 29 15889
37 54 41067
38 32 7869
39 32 8651
40 29 16816
41 27 12060
42 25 10561
43 25 7578
44 28 9276
45 55 39134
46 20 9345
47 39 15731
48 23 7703
49 35 17019
50 47 32297
51 38 22855
52 21 9734
53 41 51843
54 15 3936
55 28 15648
56 28 26089
57 41 6954
58 29 3548
59 32 71611
60 35 9788
61 27 7765
62 36 13621
63 36 9895
64 28 8244
65 21 7262
66 35 9605
67 30 10161
68 22 12197
69 22 2051
70 30 6321
71 29 3385
72 19 3689
73 27 1401
74 26 3479
75 25 3057
76 23 3801
77 23 2968
78 22 5428
79 22 2232
80 22 2241
81 14 1245
82 21 5663
83 20 9550
84 21 5170
85 21 2821
86 20 6935
87 19 9344
88 18 1139
89 18 1545
90 17 2404
91 17 2523
92 16 513
93 16 2946
94 14 4085
95 15 970
96 15 329
97 13 1237
98 13 1149
99 13 1981
100 12 2017

jump up playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular jump up music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.