
Genre k-ballad

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K-ballad music, a beloved genre within the broader spectrum of Korean pop music, is characterized by its emotive and often melancholic melodies. These ballads typically feature heartfelt lyrics that explore themes of love, loss, and introspection, delivered through powerful vocal performances. The genre often incorporates rich instrumental arrangements, including piano, strings, and acoustic guitar, to enhance its emotional depth. Known for its ability to resonate with listeners on a personal level, K-ballad music continues to be a staple in Korean music culture, captivating audiences with its poignant storytelling and emotional intensity. (AI Generated)

Most popular k-ballad artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of K-ballad genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 5344
2025 13
2024 756
2023 1314
2022 1213
2021 1090
2020 958
2010s 4219
2019 764
2018 719
2017 540
2016 472
2015 362
2014 361
2013 287
2012 285
2011 235
2010 194
2000s 883
2009 110
2008 117
2007 98
2006 103
2005 88
2004 83
2003 79
2002 68
2001 75
2000 62
1990s 361
1999 51
1998 46
1997 48
1996 39
1995 31
1994 42
1993 22
1992 24
1991 26
1990 32
1980s 99
1989 28
1988 18
1987 16
1986 10
1985 15
1984 2
1983 5
1982 2
1980 3
1970s 8
1979 1
1975 1
1974 2
1973 2
1972 1
1971 1
10914 releases

k-ballad playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular k-ballad music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular k-ballad Songs

Top New k-ballad Songs of 2024

k-ballad music by decade

Explore k-ballad history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of k-ballad artists

Here is a list of k-ballad artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the k-ballad genre. You can find out what k-ballad genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 61 388457
2 60 302290
3 56 1178458
4 55 716189
5 54 386911
6 51 332545
7 50 322415
8 46 1000721
9 45 348560
10 44 356930
11 43 104847
12 43 147752
13 63 1287236
14 68 9031659
15 67 1962832
16 65 3030970
17 61 934787
18 63 2051972
19 62 2772612
20 51 23111
21 58 278535
22 60 2022812
23 60 961895
24 59 1897067
25 58 1230614
26 55 1576470
27 48 128061
28 55 470934
29 52 211624
30 54 528902
31 54 1531968
32 46 477117
33 50 246324
34 52 825042
35 50 499673
36 50 383103
37 50 260859
38 49 333303
39 51 825074
40 49 922594
41 49 451224
42 47 266583
43 46 77825
44 46 78662
45 46 274484
46 48 832649
47 46 112683
48 46 129129
49 46 54632
50 46 1295524
51 43 205021
52 43 41946
53 43 5384
54 43 67892
55 42 258681
56 77 283811
57 43 348778
58 56 449853
59 56 662574
60 61 104172
61 52 624307
62 55 695454
63 53 333131
64 45 46553
65 45 179507
66 45 137554
67 52 528026
68 52 289510
69 44 101562
70 50 322685
71 50 604133
72 43 127043
73 43 142494
74 42 111057
75 48 161898
76 48 86282
77 48 384474
78 47 158616
79 47 107685
80 46 158329
81 46 107062
82 45 119157
83 45 132747
84 45 240536
85 44 226326
86 43 1483
87 44 52277
88 43 170263
89 43 12324
90 43 454492
91 43 109003
92 43 214769
93 43 111327
94 43 224288
95 43 247305
96 42 94116
97 42 39104
98 42 65648
99 42 33591
100 42 203672