
Genre: k-pop girl group

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

K-pop girl group music is a genre that originated in South Korea and has gained immense popularity worldwide. It is characterized by upbeat and catchy melodies, synchronized dance routines, and vibrant music videos. The genre often incorporates elements of hip-hop, EDM, and pop music. The lyrics usually revolve around themes of love, empowerment, and self-confidence. K-pop girl groups are known for their stunning visuals, fashion sense, and unique stage performances. The genre has produced several successful acts, including BLACKPINK, NewJeans, and TWICE.

Most popular k-pop girl group artists

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Popular k-pop girl group Songs

Top New k-pop girl group Songs of 2024

k-pop girl group music by decade

Explore k-pop girl group history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of k-pop girl group artists

Here is a list of k-pop girl group artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the k-pop girl group genre. You can find out what k-pop girl group genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 81 19857079
2 81 48278866
3 80 7651727
4 73 7078733
5 71 8997777
6 70 2677124
7 63 560765
8 63 1799075
9 63 2478391
10 61 7299087
11 60 1589368
12 60 2164538
13 60 1342244
14 58 2417665
15 59 2133015
16 59 1230008
17 58 827407
18 56 2423241
19 54 3917101
20 54 734004
21 53 1802745
22 53 1215750
23 53 782615
24 52 1275690
25 52 988478
26 51 1492118
27 50 564027
28 50 923944
29 49 1271052
30 49 900500
31 49 216550
32 49 1080627
33 47 1287301
34 48 354551
35 48 702331
36 45 321996
37 44 264485
38 42 985155
39 42 369296
40 42 426991
41 42 436341
42 39 504236
43 38 222866
44 38 584059
45 38 221726
46 37 264274
47 37 197528
48 35 412374
49 37 228890
50 35 200133
51 35 210695
52 34 463525
53 34 163376
54 34 582216
55 34 159621
56 33 453251
57 33 179274
58 32 173030
59 32 168747
60 32 157371
61 32 163349
62 28 161539
63 82 4906073
64 78 8830429
65 74 5042410
66 74 3921679
67 70 691842
68 67 1548119
69 65 1246808
70 63 2157891
71 57 706855
72 56 351508
73 53 406029
74 47 245003
75 45 150582
76 45 195549
77 43 241473
78 42 119261
79 41 756264
80 39 72240
81 39 184204
82 39 162743
83 38 159530
84 38 160765
85 37 74764
86 37 157171
87 36 64712
88 35 73686
89 34 109627
90 31 34445
91 32 259215
92 32 228418
93 32 29398
94 31 58125
95 31 103682
96 30 59705
97 30 24738
98 30 246045
99 29 67917
100 29 118155

k-pop girl group playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular k-pop girl group music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.