
Genre k-pop

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K-pop is a music genre that originated in South Korea and has gained global popularity in recent years. It is characterized by its upbeat and catchy melodies, synchronized dance routines, and colorful music videos. K-pop groups often have a large number of members and are known for their unique fashion styles. The genre has a strong fan culture and has been credited with bringing Korean culture to the forefront of the global entertainment industry. (AI Generated)

Most popular k-pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of K-pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4281
2025 48
2024 942
2023 918
2022 865
2021 795
2020 713
2010s 3706
2019 660
2018 590
2017 539
2016 404
2015 322
2014 307
2013 255
2012 297
2011 190
2010 142
2000s 330
2009 94
2008 62
2007 39
2006 28
2005 20
2004 23
2003 19
2002 18
2001 15
2000 12
1990s 29
1999 11
1998 8
1997 6
1996 2
1995 1
1994 1
1960s 1
1968 1
8347 releases

k-pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular k-pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular k-pop Songs

Top New k-pop Songs of 2024

k-pop music by decade

Explore k-pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of k-pop artists

Here is a list of k-pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the k-pop genre. You can find out what k-pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 86 10002558
2 63 1287236
3 85 9818341
4 85 77795175
5 73 14998552
6 84 18170485
7 84 17034828
8 72 17206665
9 71 18137980
10 71 3212949
11 81 19332046
12 80 8713429
13 68 9031659
14 80 8730354
15 67 1962832
16 79 7886642
17 79 10982423
18 78 6566235
19 78 21368969
20 78 52828455
21 78 12794024
22 78 10212193
23 65 3030970
24 61 388083
25 76 10827698
26 76 3743876
27 76 11063111
28 63 2051972
29 60 302290
30 63 2181122
31 63 1687836
32 63 536199
33 74 5433807
34 63 1827486
35 62 2772019
36 73 2252489
37 62 552791
38 62 1520417
39 73 4581123
40 73 5174461
41 60 2022812
42 60 961801
43 72 8059384
44 72 10284649
45 72 1917376
46 59 1897067
47 67 3580168
48 58 1230614
49 69 9404593
50 69 6636937
51 69 1213633
52 69 1143732
53 69 1606342
54 68 8151736
55 68 1943582
56 68 9768705
57 67 7562835
58 66 914573
59 66 214952
60 65 3555645
61 65 1134069
62 63 498435
63 65 996504
64 65 1836747
65 65 3475996
66 65 1754435
67 64 1705932
68 63 2670909
69 63 4889217
70 63 2730389
71 62 445160
72 62 970158
73 59 2749560
74 62 5385846
75 62 657922
76 60 4208357
77 60 1160842
78 62 820181
79 61 3076869
80 58 1151441
81 58 1878442
82 61 2640369
83 59 2275391
84 61 1419324
85 61 3196264
86 61 555813
87 60 1423575
88 61 772385
89 60 2175791
90 60 4306394
91 59 232406
92 59 1988777
93 58 5396052
94 58 535370
95 58 5184098
96 58 852256
97 58 7474964
98 58 2347525
99 58 3061231
100 58 927077