
Genre: kabarett

Play genre

Kabarett is a form of German music that combines satire, humor, and social commentary. It often features spoken word performances and comedic skits, accompanied by music. The genre emerged in the early 20th century and has since evolved to include a range of styles and themes. Kabarett artists often use their platform to critique societal norms and political issues, while also entertaining audiences with their wit and humor.

Most popular kabarett artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Kabarett genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 146
2024 15
2023 46
2022 35
2021 26
2020 24
2010s 223
2019 25
2018 33
2017 21
2016 29
2015 20
2014 17
2013 17
2012 18
2011 21
2010 22
2000s 149
2009 19
2008 21
2007 18
2006 16
2005 12
2004 23
2003 15
2002 8
2001 8
2000 9
1990s 65
1999 7
1998 11
1997 13
1996 3
1995 6
1994 7
1993 5
1992 5
1991 5
1990 3
1980s 29
1989 3
1988 3
1987 3
1986 2
1985 1
1984 3
1983 4
1982 2
1981 5
1980 3
1970s 21
1979 5
1978 2
1977 3
1976 3
1975 2
1974 3
1973 1
1972 1
1971 1
1960s 2
1969 1
1968 1
635 releases

Popular kabarett Songs

Top New kabarett Songs of 2024

Most popular kabarett albums

Werner - Das Rennen
Die Eiskönigin Völlig Unverfroren (Deutscher Original Film Soundtrack)
Die Eiskönigin 2 (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack/Deluxe Edition)
Mein bester Freund
Machen Sie sich frei! Sonst tut es keiner für Sie (Wissenschaft & kabarett)
Schnee, der auf Ceran fällt
Bodo mit dem Bagger
Shaun das Schaf

kabarett music by decade

Explore kabarett history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of kabarett artists

Here is a list of kabarett artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the kabarett genre. You can find out what kabarett genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 50 205456
2 53 125577
3 38 57130
4 42 73866
5 58 154688
6 46 140543
7 47 179502
8 52 81669
9 50 40379
10 41 39830
11 32 33737
12 38 42624
13 46 24662
14 49 25089
15 37 31159
16 49 28989
17 44 22048
18 39 65656
19 46 15721
20 47 34115
21 41 15360
22 46 30914
23 45 11834
24 45 3069
25 44 33889
26 44 501
27 43 10162
28 43 25601
29 43 15192
30 42 523
31 42 3103
32 42 21762
33 30 22011
34 29 19512
35 41 15515
36 41 12894
37 39 24777
38 40 22016
39 40 20832
40 40 55584
41 40 4772
42 39 25032
43 39 3860
44 38 4201
45 38 19746
46 38 2574
47 38 19335
48 31 15056
49 37 11565
50 25 9798
51 37 5322
52 37 4648
53 37 2368
54 37 3271
55 31 24178
56 36 2356
57 36 6494
58 35 1470
59 35 2757
60 28 11600
61 34 6152
62 34 3671
63 34 3304
64 34 3632
65 33 3238
66 33 2475
67 32 1065
68 32 20464
69 32 2897
70 32 475
71 32 3662
72 32 1175
73 31 6343
74 30 3430
75 29 1412
76 29 6826
77 29 1995
78 29 1385
79 28 11137
80 28 921
81 28 6943
82 28 6759
83 27 2598
84 27 8180
85 27 5091
86 27 1397
87 26 20195
88 26 2234
89 26 4208
90 25 13867
91 25 1101
92 24 2057
93 24 1052
94 24 1859
95 24 13166
96 23 1956
97 23 4767
98 23 1240
99 22 3082
100 22 10740

kabarett playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular kabarett music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.