
Genre: kansai indie

Play genre

Kansai indie music is a genre that originated in the Kansai region of Japan and is characterized by its unique blend of rock, pop, and electronic music. The music is often upbeat and energetic, with catchy melodies and lyrics that are both introspective and relatable. Humbreaders, Subway Daydream, and DENIMS are all popular bands within this genre, known for their innovative sound and dynamic live performances.

Most popular kansai indie artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Kansai Indie genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 285
2024 32
2023 83
2022 54
2021 64
2020 52
2010s 120
2019 44
2018 26
2017 22
2016 11
2015 6
2014 7
2013 3
2012 1
2000s 6
2008 1
2006 1
2005 2
2004 1
2000 1
1980s 1
1982 1
412 releases

Popular kansai indie Songs

Top New kansai indie Songs of 2024

kansai indie music by decade

Explore kansai indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of kansai indie artists

Here is a list of kansai indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the kansai indie genre. You can find out what kansai indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 105625
2 35 35962
3 48 120669
4 32 13727
5 31 20818
6 29 19432
7 27 17119
8 30 7139
9 30 10716
10 35 17266
11 31 16695
12 16 5647
13 18 14352
14 15 5717
15 9 3953
16 27 25736
17 28 1922
18 7 5080
19 13 3907
20 26 9776
21 10 4115
22 19 7558
23 20 9184
24 5 9981
25 17 1305
26 12 4724
27 16 1860
28 16 6544
29 15 9620
30 15 5609
31 11 2343
32 15 4406
33 8 4177
34 14 2884
35 14 4801
36 14 3539
37 14 634
38 13 3714
39 13 1501
40 13 4596
41 9 1165
42 13 3276
43 12 1750
44 12 1586
45 12 3452
46 11 3002
47 10 906
48 10 4571
49 9 5054
50 5 392
51 6 2327
52 8 1040
53 6 1428
54 7 1723
55 7 1388
56 7 1109
57 7 823
58 6 1950
59 6 2825
60 6 1114
61 2 890
62 3 872
63 5 1003
64 1 221
65 1 454
66 2 835
67 4 1131
68 4 1072
69 4 1190
70 4 651
71 4 2062
72 4 1363
73 1 852
74 1 279
75 2 209
76 2 949
77 2 1011
78 2 550
79 2 1070
80 2 436
81 2 1304
82 2 488
83 2 294
84 1 297
85 1 425
86 1 561
87 1 590
88 1 557

kansai indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular kansai indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.