
Genre karadeniz folk

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Karadeniz folk music, originating from Turkey's Black Sea region, is characterized by its lively rhythms and distinctive instruments such as the kemençe (a small bowed instrument) and the tulum (a type of bagpipe). It often features fast-paced melodies combined with heartfelt and poetic lyrics that reflect the rugged landscape and maritime culture of the area. This music genre is a vibrant expression of the region's rich cultural heritage and is frequently accompanied by energetic folk dances. (AI Generated)

Most popular karadeniz folk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Karadeniz Folk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1336
2025 4
2024 126
2023 353
2022 355
2021 261
2020 237
2010s 883
2019 148
2018 111
2017 87
2016 88
2015 95
2014 88
2013 88
2012 72
2011 59
2010 47
2000s 459
2009 39
2008 43
2007 52
2006 64
2005 52
2004 46
2003 46
2002 38
2001 36
2000 43
1990s 254
1999 40
1998 43
1997 32
1996 22
1995 21
1994 27
1993 29
1992 13
1991 10
1990 17
1980s 42
1989 10
1988 5
1987 13
1986 12
1985 1
1983 1
1970s 7
1979 1
1977 1
1975 4
1972 1
1960s 2
1967 1
1961 1
1940s 1
1945 1
1900s 1
1905 1
2985 releases

karadeniz folk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular karadeniz folk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular karadeniz folk Songs

Top New karadeniz folk Songs of 2024

karadeniz folk music by decade

Explore karadeniz folk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of karadeniz folk artists

Here is a list of karadeniz folk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the karadeniz folk genre. You can find out what karadeniz folk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 1299429
2 54 3079656
3 46 104972
4 50 1165188
5 34 31587
6 38 47674
7 49 756689
8 49 373269
9 46 201631
10 58 1448168
11 52 379646
12 42 159446
13 42 156381
14 41 36438
15 40 111535
16 36 3959
17 35 24159
18 50 367870
19 35 15602
20 44 76311
21 34 32937
22 41 89291
23 43 10089
24 42 117787
25 43 74900
26 40 102210
27 45 476309
28 35 32163
29 55 873911
30 40 264115
31 37 436207
32 51 347571
33 49 384719
34 39 41507
35 49 372813
36 49 405507
37 38 20525
38 48 126855
39 46 181245
40 40 63963
41 40 127015
42 45 19001
43 39 197754
44 44 5178
45 44 34015
46 44 237653
47 44 435690
48 44 94357
49 44 234229
50 44 149980
51 43 226801
52 41 7307
53 53 930919
54 49 426766
55 40 26542
56 34 80994
57 48 407150
58 38 7044
59 38 2555
60 38 5896
61 36 42602
62 38 5716
63 37 97645
64 37 31061
65 37 36647
66 35 66812
67 35 25101
68 48 34095
69 47 73850
70 47 317827
71 43 54131
72 41 78029
73 41 55868
74 54 644093
75 39 263270
76 37 19024
77 49 343386
78 36 99638
79 35 24453
80 44 531720
81 47 120775
82 40 292417
83 44 185887
84 40 16816
85 43 227179
86 42 112527
87 38 100104
88 38 191066
89 36 37282
90 38 157149
91 38 124063
92 34 67483
93 43 161690
94 40 59387
95 39 43117
96 38 76509
97 36 25071
98 35 118786
99 34 25324
100 34 28556