
Genre khaleeji

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Khaleeji music is a vibrant and distinct genre originating from the Gulf region, characterized by its use of traditional Middle Eastern instruments such as the oud and darbuka. It often features rhythmic and percussion-heavy arrangements, reflecting the cultural heritage and musical traditions of the Arabian Peninsula. The lyrics typically explore themes of love, life, and cultural identity, often sung in the Arabic dialects native to the region. The music combines both modern and traditional elements, making it a unique representation of Gulf culture and its evolving contemporary landscape. (AI Generated)

Most popular khaleeji artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Khaleeji genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 11962
2025 25
2024 1287
2023 3250
2022 2878
2021 2391
2020 2131
2010s 5789
2019 1500
2018 1105
2017 771
2016 546
2015 499
2014 389
2013 329
2012 223
2011 218
2010 209
2000s 1095
2009 159
2008 146
2007 89
2006 118
2005 108
2004 94
2003 84
2002 88
2001 66
2000 143
1990s 552
1999 57
1998 73
1997 52
1996 64
1995 61
1994 61
1993 41
1992 44
1991 38
1990 61
1980s 243
1989 45
1988 49
1987 12
1986 7
1985 25
1984 19
1983 15
1982 11
1981 13
1980 47
1970s 151
1979 12
1978 12
1977 20
1976 19
1975 21
1974 9
1973 16
1972 14
1971 5
1970 23
1960s 55
1969 4
1968 4
1967 7
1966 8
1965 5
1964 2
1963 5
1962 5
1961 6
1960 9
1950s 37
1959 3
1958 9
1957 7
1956 1
1955 14
1954 3
1940s 11
1949 1
1948 2
1947 1
1946 2
1944 1
1943 2
1942 2
1930s 10
1939 4
1937 2
1936 1
1935 1
1931 1
1930 1
1920s 1
1923 1
1900s 1
1905 1
1880s 4
1889 4
19911 releases

khaleeji playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular khaleeji music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular khaleeji Songs

Top New khaleeji Songs of 2024

khaleeji music by decade

Explore khaleeji history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of khaleeji artists

Here is a list of khaleeji artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the khaleeji genre. You can find out what khaleeji genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 781024
2 48 1826973
3 46 1131446
4 62 2614079
5 59 6357382
6 59 879305
7 58 3586972
8 57 2551402
9 57 1163297
10 54 177802
11 54 1296269
12 53 492994
13 59 5643982
14 50 651238
15 63 6175966
16 50 2172512
17 48 19204
18 52 2154183
19 52 1544756
20 60 1754974
21 54 1702736
22 53 1295802
23 58 3122476
24 50 3418777
25 55 1609541
26 55 4691219
27 54 2266346
28 53 1697102
29 61 3165177
30 52 1845367
31 49 853359
32 48 863934
33 58 2196716
34 46 255560
35 64 5061271
36 46 545127
37 46 343680
38 59 5862545
39 58 5161940
40 58 3674164
41 51 1312187
42 55 2140598
43 53 725608
44 52 2539150
45 52 1797199
46 51 926999
47 50 1582277
48 50 1141504
49 50 1124850
50 49 667608
51 48 424941
52 47 60700
53 66 7914452
54 62 3226545
55 67 9062894
56 54 2965135
57 52 1869550
58 59 4741601
59 58 3715369
60 57 5739244
61 48 286652
62 47 5555
63 55 2776984
64 54 2639044
65 52 1653204
66 49 2228820
67 48 1252686
68 48 2776490
69 48 2151542
70 46 1156514
71 49 353012
72 49 332187
73 48 221243
74 53 323889
75 47 65634
76 54 1410643
77 59 672832
78 49 652634
79 49 831505
80 49 555211
81 54 1283442
82 50 1074020
83 48 863619
84 47 6222
85 62 2602688
86 51 145024
87 51 1068944
88 47 304265
89 47 239132
90 54 575873
91 53 1735265
92 52 893413
93 51 1400770
94 51 2253708
95 50 688271
96 49 1695319
97 49 12339
98 49 1094240
99 48 21340
100 46 408159