
Genre: khaliji

Play genre

Khaliji music is a popular genre in the Gulf region, characterized by its upbeat rhythms, catchy melodies, and use of traditional instruments such as the oud and tabla. The lyrics often focus on themes of love, patriotism, and cultural identity. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists incorporating modern elements into their music. Khaliji music is enjoyed by people of all ages and is often played at weddings and other celebrations.

Most popular khaliji artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Khaliji genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1295
2024 100
2023 323
2022 308
2021 269
2020 295
2010s 1020
2019 256
2018 215
2017 136
2016 123
2015 92
2014 51
2013 43
2012 38
2011 47
2010 19
2000s 107
2009 14
2008 36
2007 7
2006 6
2005 12
2004 8
2003 4
2002 9
2001 4
2000 7
1990s 65
1999 6
1998 8
1997 8
1996 5
1995 5
1994 7
1993 10
1992 8
1991 5
1990 3
1980s 24
1989 7
1988 5
1987 3
1986 1
1985 4
1984 1
1983 2
1980 1
1970s 3
1976 1
1973 1
1970 1
2514 releases

Popular khaliji Songs

Top New khaliji Songs of 2024

khaliji music by decade

Explore khaliji history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of khaliji artists

Here is a list of khaliji artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the khaliji genre. You can find out what khaliji genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 50 1253930
2 47 706963
3 47 661248
4 43 394214
5 46 465579
6 59 5157754
7 44 434812
8 43 773931
9 39 295706
10 47 281580
11 46 467703
12 45 1402188
13 44 283770
14 40 137109
15 43 472365
16 42 180488
17 39 296159
18 53 1557684
19 53 2037102
20 56 4451642
21 33 245850
22 42 615735
23 31 91391
24 54 557851
25 30 140412
26 29 148054
27 29 264184
28 44 902583
29 27 55826
30 43 448896
31 40 546769
32 37 184148
33 43 29635
34 43 80583
35 43 18673
36 42 559962
37 40 103598
38 37 327056
39 32 155916
40 35 296752
41 27 45714
42 39 28608
43 36 298472
44 34 142416
45 14 107629
46 36 115026
47 36 93502
48 35 158686
49 35 56502
50 34 116416
51 34 91651
52 34 59411
53 22 53803
54 30 118733
55 33 91341
56 32 49428
57 31 943
58 31 29439
59 30 11297
60 30 49819
61 30 25030
62 29 206542
63 29 117460
64 29 111363
65 28 37069
66 27 52203
67 27 1455
68 26 39494
69 25 48514
70 25 14920
71 23 1702
72 21 51145
73 20 28589
74 20 12478
75 20 4111
76 19 16321
77 19 1449
78 18 45736
79 18 16657
80 17 1687
81 16 3244
82 16 86300
83 15 16535
84 15 30476
85 15 10201
86 15 18826
87 15 17989
88 14 6453
89 14 4378
90 14 8278
91 13 21767
92 13 1746
93 13 983
94 12 19782
95 12 3268
96 11 1740
97 11 761
98 10 33654
99 10 3371
100 9 2684

khaliji playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular khaliji music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.