
Genre: kirtan

Play genre

Kirtan is a genre of music that originates from India and is often associated with devotional chanting. It typically involves call-and-response singing, with a lead singer leading the group in a series of mantras or sacred phrases. The music is often accompanied by traditional Indian instruments such as the harmonium and tabla, as well as Western instruments like guitar and drums. Kirtan music is known for its uplifting and meditative qualities, and is often used in spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation.

Most popular kirtan artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Kirtan genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 235
2024 21
2023 62
2022 39
2021 56
2020 57
2010s 384
2019 56
2018 33
2017 35
2016 42
2015 45
2014 50
2013 27
2012 29
2011 29
2010 38
2000s 249
2009 19
2008 38
2007 32
2006 29
2005 31
2004 24
2003 27
2002 22
2001 12
2000 15
1990s 24
1999 5
1998 7
1997 5
1996 1
1995 2
1994 2
1992 2
1980s 3
1988 1
1985 1
1983 1
895 releases

Popular kirtan Songs

Top New kirtan Songs of 2024

kirtan music by decade

Explore kirtan history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of kirtan artists

Here is a list of kirtan artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the kirtan genre. You can find out what kirtan genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 53 175138
2 57 479801
3 45 40546
4 46 38015
5 53 337349
6 46 64795
7 46 34616
8 44 13713
9 44 48431
10 43 47335
11 54 167353
12 48 63210
13 48 58302
14 48 102135
15 47 81867
16 46 93388
17 43 64704
18 45 35296
19 45 42496
20 34 15989
21 48 60264
22 47 69404
23 56 449393
24 41 30569
25 39 18031
26 38 11835
27 43 8041
28 36 11788
29 42 15756
30 39 24247
31 39 20289
32 36 3088
33 49 29926
34 37 17248
35 34 11165
36 41 68747
37 34 15318
38 35 8987
39 38 18896
40 35 5148
41 38 33660
42 47 40117
43 39 35092
44 32 4971
45 36 8484
46 36 54252
47 36 32316
48 35 47723
49 43 30974
50 43 24581
51 43 66375
52 34 24937
53 43 10600
54 42 25035
55 42 17709
56 28 10095
57 33 8437
58 33 17944
59 32 14694
60 33 28271
61 29 27964
62 33 10285
63 29 17674
64 30 19495
65 37 6116
66 36 24188
67 36 9091
68 35 28621
69 35 15760
70 34 33182
71 34 18210
72 32 3821
73 33 14905
74 33 9398
75 33 4028
76 33 14391
77 32 22315
78 32 2332
79 31 5392
80 31 3046
81 31 11020
82 31 4654
83 31 13439
84 30 13289
85 30 2989
86 29 17240
87 29 9212
88 29 5150
89 29 5635
90 28 9145
91 28 8266
92 28 5148
93 28 7178
94 27 3240
95 27 7846
96 27 3614
97 27 4697
98 26 8469
99 26 12130
100 25 3329

kirtan playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular kirtan music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.