
Genre: kleine hoerspiel

Play genre

Kleine Hörspiel is a popular music genre in Germany that features audio dramas for children and young adults. It typically includes stories about adventure, mystery, and friendship, and is often accompanied by catchy music and sound effects. Some of the most well-known examples of Kleine Hörspiel include Bibi und Tina, TKKG, and Fünf Freunde. These stories have captured the imaginations of generations of German children and continue to be beloved today. (AI Generated)

Most popular kleine hoerspiel artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Kleine Hoerspiel genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1920
2024 267
2023 639
2022 285
2021 352
2020 377
2010s 1518
2019 310
2018 173
2017 154
2016 158
2015 176
2014 113
2013 105
2012 138
2011 102
2010 89
2000s 462
2009 57
2008 65
2007 85
2006 44
2005 32
2004 35
2003 35
2002 53
2001 30
2000 26
1990s 187
1999 25
1998 23
1997 34
1996 16
1995 23
1994 24
1993 7
1992 12
1991 15
1990 8
1980s 231
1989 15
1988 8
1987 15
1986 23
1985 35
1984 50
1983 23
1982 36
1981 17
1980 9
1970s 39
1979 4
1978 12
1977 18
1976 1
1973 2
1972 1
1971 1
4357 releases

Popular kleine hoerspiel Songs

Top New kleine hoerspiel Songs of 2024

kleine hoerspiel music by decade

Explore kleine hoerspiel history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of kleine hoerspiel artists

Here is a list of kleine hoerspiel artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the kleine hoerspiel genre. You can find out what kleine hoerspiel genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 77 504192
2 75 184940
3 69 151218
4 79 327431
5 74 264927
6 69 53361
7 69 131366
8 51 26800
9 65 69657
10 60 28511
11 60 51590
12 65 143582
13 59 62966
14 59 53246
15 55 57227
16 61 45766
17 60 47864
18 54 17821
19 53 51127
20 52 28062
21 51 29177
22 70 42444
23 54 26353
24 54 64569
25 48 12365
26 67 108417
27 47 39751
28 51 13257
29 65 117816
30 50 63174
31 64 34342
32 49 19140
33 62 59549
34 61 43871
35 47 19706
36 45 15800
37 58 79315
38 58 22804
39 57 26599
40 56 26357
41 56 77753
42 55 54157
43 55 52968
44 55 40338
45 54 17947
46 54 20494
47 54 27663
48 54 3955
49 54 1384
50 54 53334
51 54 29633
52 53 8914
53 53 9129
54 52 24958
55 53 36571
56 53 14421
57 52 37288
58 52 12776
59 51 11187
60 51 21765
61 51 30843
62 51 21387
63 51 5095
64 50 21946
65 50 18349
66 50 26537
67 50 24652
68 50 31966
69 50 39205
70 50 3032
71 50 25312
72 49 9449
73 49 32027
74 47 26685
75 49 31133
76 49 8470
77 48 22842
78 48 3310
79 48 18562
80 48 2757
81 48 28712
82 48 3369
83 45 76991
84 47 33722
85 47 1264
86 47 6099
87 47 11668
88 47 29902
89 46 50022
90 46 8580
91 46 24190
92 45 15428
93 45 12274
94 45 8973
95 45 19504
96 45 12794
97 45 12325
98 45 12286
99 45 2904
100 45 25799

kleine hoerspiel playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular kleine hoerspiel music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.