
Genre: kritika

Play genre

Kritika is a traditional music genre hailing from the Greek island of Crete. It is characterized by its use of the lyra, a bowed string instrument, and the laouto, a type of lute. The music often features fast-paced rhythms and intricate melodies, and is known for its emotional and expressive qualities. Kritika has been passed down through generations and remains an important part of Cretan culture.

Most popular kritika artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Kritika genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 7
2024 1
2023 2
2022 2
2021 2
2010s 32
2019 1
2018 1
2017 2
2016 4
2015 5
2014 7
2013 1
2012 3
2011 2
2010 6
2000s 65
2009 4
2008 9
2007 17
2006 3
2005 5
2004 8
2003 4
2002 7
2001 2
2000 6
1990s 13
1999 1
1997 1
1996 1
1995 4
1994 3
1993 2
1991 1
1980s 10
1989 1
1988 2
1987 1
1986 1
1985 1
1983 2
1981 1
1980 1
1970s 9
1978 2
1977 1
1976 3
1975 2
1971 1
136 releases

Popular kritika Songs

kritika music by decade

Explore kritika history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of kritika artists

Here is a list of kritika artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the kritika genre. You can find out what kritika genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 36 36427
2 36 8038
3 35 4554
4 33 884
5 34 9936
6 31 26721
7 30 3966
8 28 6517
9 28 2111
10 24 9559
11 22 2500
12 21 722
13 19 8778
14 21 3248
15 21 514
16 20 3163
17 20 3786
18 19 2057
19 18 3235
20 17 6314
21 17 84
22 17 1435
23 16 1764
24 15 783
25 15 1506
26 12 222
27 14 1300
28 14 1876
29 14 458
30 14 1648
31 14 2378
32 13 890
33 13 803
34 13 2070
35 12 1506
36 12 437
37 12 401
38 11 1383
39 11 1042
40 9 794
41 9 467
42 9 847
43 9 778
44 8 1942
45 8 844
46 7 1348
47 7 807
48 7 161
49 7 419
50 7 523
51 6 671
52 6 563
53 6 1083
54 6 230
55 6 614
56 5 777
57 4 207
58 4 127
59 4 80
60 4 832
61 4 81
62 4 72
63 4 528
64 3 21
65 3 136
66 2 250
67 2 258
68 2 118
69 2 273
70 2 192
71 1 237
72 1 143
73 1 45

kritika playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular kritika music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.