
Genre: kundalini

Play genre

Kundalini music is a genre of spiritual music that is often used in yoga and meditation practices. It is characterized by its calming and soothing melodies, repetitive chants, and use of traditional instruments such as the harmonium and tabla. The music is intended to help listeners connect with their inner selves and achieve a state of deep relaxation and spiritual awareness. Many kundalini music artists incorporate mantras and sacred texts into their music, creating a powerful and transformative experience for listeners.

Most popular kundalini artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Kundalini genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 80
2024 6
2023 9
2022 22
2021 14
2020 29
2010s 198
2019 15
2018 35
2017 36
2016 15
2015 19
2014 18
2013 16
2012 15
2011 13
2010 16
2000s 63
2009 12
2008 9
2007 6
2006 8
2005 8
2004 5
2003 5
2002 4
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 5
1999 2
1998 1
1991 2
1980s 1
1987 1
347 releases

Popular kundalini Songs

Top New kundalini Songs of 2024

kundalini music by decade

Explore kundalini history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of kundalini artists

Here is a list of kundalini artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the kundalini genre. You can find out what kundalini genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 481171
2 47 69807
3 43 8105
4 42 15820
5 49 156741
6 35 16011
7 34 24982
8 43 3573
9 33 8437
10 32 14745
11 39 4607
12 30 27982
13 35 25115
14 38 9046
15 37 12133
16 36 24860
17 36 15343
18 35 6229
19 34 5751
20 34 2792
21 34 5414
22 34 17216
23 33 2564
24 32 3681
25 31 9754
26 28 9820
27 28 2836
28 27 11494
29 25 3764
30 24 9936
31 24 10669
32 24 4809
33 21 7407
34 21 5153
35 21 10470
36 20 3462
37 20 8476
38 19 2112
39 19 5508
40 19 6498
41 19 4793
42 18 9152
43 18 10185
44 17 1939
45 17 5156
46 16 6074
47 15 1730
48 15 3055
49 14 8728
50 14 3404
51 14 5704
52 13 2892
53 13 1549
54 13 2431
55 12 4368
56 11 910
57 11 2804
58 10 407
59 10 1239
60 10 1490
61 9 477
62 9 1784
63 9 1134
64 8 1696
65 8 2091
66 8 1719
67 8 946
68 8 701
69 7 11456
70 6 457
71 6 1831
72 5 1664
73 5 448
74 4 1821
75 4 421
76 4 329
77 3 748
78 3 1202
79 3 1776
80 2 350
81 2 381
82 2 1919
83 2 510
84 2 322
85 2 113
86 2 2667
87 2 475
88 2 91
89 1 219
90 1 290
91 1 221
92 1 117
93 1 756
94 1 1638

kundalini playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular kundalini music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.