
Genre: lagu jawa

Play genre

Lagu Jawa is a traditional music genre from Java, Indonesia that combines elements of gamelan music with modern instruments and lyrics. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, melodic vocals, and poetic lyrics that often tell stories of love, nature, and everyday life. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many young artists bringing a fresh and modern twist to the traditional sound.

Most popular lagu jawa artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Lagu Jawa genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1771
2024 158
2023 465
2022 499
2021 333
2020 316
2010s 311
2019 127
2018 73
2017 44
2016 19
2015 32
2014 6
2013 4
2012 1
2011 2
2010 3
2000s 4
2004 2
2001 1
2000 1
1980s 1
1988 1
2087 releases

Popular lagu jawa Songs

Top New lagu jawa Songs of 2024

lagu jawa music by decade

Explore lagu jawa history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of lagu jawa artists

Here is a list of lagu jawa artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the lagu jawa genre. You can find out what lagu jawa genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 3017830
2 71 4976859
3 71 4153379
4 62 4863838
5 50 1821069
6 52 748799
7 61 612224
8 47 1692382
9 56 240624
10 52 989494
11 55 1110519
12 52 117873
13 45 274604
14 43 428020
15 43 156148
16 41 55973
17 56 969766
18 55 121632
19 41 247734
20 44 169726
21 39 75138
22 22 71800
23 59 583107
24 42 236645
25 58 500221
26 55 1003536
27 54 22277
28 54 196916
29 54 80996
30 28 29464
31 36 64913
32 51 65238
33 51 61635
34 34 23833
35 26 16032
36 26 51714
37 48 53893
38 48 266866
39 46 100302
40 45 99246
41 44 198535
42 42 67645
43 41 201210
44 40 172785
45 40 199053
46 40 32334
47 39 12029
48 36 30228
49 36 9663
50 34 8304
51 34 2941
52 33 11364
53 33 30502
54 32 3099
55 32 33433
56 31 14338
57 31 5660
58 30 66272
59 6 116
60 29 19000
61 27 24886
62 27 42749
63 26 13124
64 25 13601
65 25 3581
66 25 11569
67 25 9302
68 25 20768
69 24 11581
70 24 14889
71 24 6119
72 23 26163
73 21 2772
74 21 9817
75 21 28878
76 20 50427
77 19 4528
78 17 13728
79 17 12544
80 15 22626
81 12 249
82 8 447
83 8 1213
84 4 5859
85 4 205
86 3 103
87 2 21181
88 2 163
89 2 121
90 1 10945
91 1 487
92 1 68

lagu jawa playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular lagu jawa music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.