
Genre: laiko

Play genre

Parent Genre: World/Traditional

Laiko music is a popular Greek music genre that combines traditional Greek folk music with modern pop elements. It is characterized by its use of traditional Greek instruments such as the bouzouki and the clarinet, as well as its emotional and expressive lyrics. Laiko music often features upbeat rhythms and catchy melodies that are easy to dance to. It has a strong following in Greece and among the Greek diaspora around the world.

Most popular laiko artists

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Popular laiko Songs

Top New laiko Songs of 2024

Most popular laiko albums

Ise pantou
Emeina Edo - Oi Megales Epitychies
Spasmena Kommatia Tis Kardias
I Stenahoria Mou
Pata Gkazi
Ta Kala Koritsia
To Hrono Stamatao
Pou Pame Meta
To Kati Parapano
To Ximeroma Tou Erota
Afise Me Mono

laiko music by decade

Explore laiko history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of laiko artists

Here is a list of laiko artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the laiko genre. You can find out what laiko genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 173019
2 53 429761
3 59 37973
4 49 299422
5 57 486788
6 56 364446
7 55 640333
8 55 8610
9 51 235064
10 55 289497
11 55 265331
12 54 176096
13 53 373435
14 52 346184
15 52 359510
16 51 292444
17 51 165502
18 51 172310
19 51 80198
20 50 16289
21 50 40965
22 41 75632
23 49 40743
24 49 182196
25 44 118100
26 48 216511
27 48 63250
28 48 60157
29 47 188493
30 45 95963
31 46 158250
32 46 165577
33 44 112730
34 46 117292
35 46 116408
36 46 164806
37 41 101407
38 45 120156
39 45 103358
40 45 58106
41 44 147788
42 44 29315
43 44 73778
44 43 75170
45 43 120548
46 43 82172
47 43 70119
48 43 46072
49 42 109122
50 42 93271
51 42 110493
52 42 64721
53 41 79500
54 41 52603
55 41 37908
56 40 21635
57 40 56136
58 40 57768
59 37 23406
60 39 34934
61 39 82779
62 38 80089
63 38 80006
64 38 26603
65 38 52506
66 38 41762
67 38 9144
68 38 96915
69 37 7353
70 37 32862
71 37 16189
72 37 38972
73 37 17333
74 37 43349
75 36 5099
76 36 24286
77 36 13376
78 36 38904
79 36 41570
80 35 65574
81 35 29470
82 35 80378
83 46 92246
84 51 328956
85 43 94261
86 41 63329
87 42 68837
88 44 63416
89 38 34439
90 42 48580
91 42 162213
92 40 29079
93 40 81239
94 46 127249
95 39 41093
96 38 29703
97 36 33807
98 36 23850
99 39 19953
100 35 10822

laiko playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular laiko music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.