
Genre latin r&b

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Latin R&B is a vibrant fusion genre that combines the smooth rhythms and emotive elements of traditional R&B with Latin influences, including sensual beats, rhythmic percussions, and bilingual lyrics. This style often features romantic and heartfelt themes, delivered with passionate vocal performances. The music is characterized by its sultry melodies and rhythmic diversity, creating an irresistible blend that resonates across diverse audiences. (AI Generated)

Most popular latin r&b artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Latin R&b genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2014
2025 1
2024 292
2023 581
2022 452
2021 366
2020 322
2010s 444
2019 220
2018 108
2017 57
2016 35
2015 11
2014 7
2013 2
2011 3
2010 1
2000s 8
2008 1
2007 2
2006 2
2005 1
2003 1
2001 1
1990s 2
1999 1
1997 1
2468 releases

latin r&b playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular latin r&b music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular latin r&b Songs

Top New latin r&b Songs of 2024

latin r&b music by decade

Explore latin r&b history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of latin r&b artists

Here is a list of latin r&b artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the latin r&b genre. You can find out what latin r&b genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 62 505876
2 73 1344456
3 48 60463
4 68 350967
5 47 44446
6 59 301979
7 68 190495
8 45 164101
9 51 194939
10 44 111201
11 62 514766
12 50 82035
13 45 103845
14 63 511909
15 39 56260
16 51 43295
17 60 186523
18 44 23251
19 56 261875
20 55 106080
21 48 9577
22 56 69728
23 53 228980
24 56 144320
25 49 83636
26 39 9806
27 47 32620
28 53 43870
29 44 48794
30 37 12453
31 37 29107
32 51 72179
33 36 14464
34 51 232151
35 34 4753
36 35 6870
37 34 8632
38 47 38719
39 43 20614
40 48 65651
41 41 22247
42 41 38674
43 38 1587
44 46 144801
45 46 50729
46 46 51884
47 46 45824
48 45 113422
49 36 20390
50 40 24531
51 45 115252
52 41 3170
53 35 9437
54 43 63908
55 43 37543
56 43 34806
57 43 35916
58 43 34389
59 43 69210
60 43 9704
61 43 16614
62 43 64430
63 42 24493
64 42 8660
65 41 22672
66 41 54564
67 41 5586
68 41 26599
69 40 32537
70 38 12323
71 39 8056
72 39 23497
73 39 7739
74 39 10556
75 39 6057
76 39 6742
77 36 1387
78 38 3674
79 38 3709
80 38 2817
81 38 11277
82 37 42325
83 37 1138
84 37 13876
85 37 17085
86 36 6526
87 36 1112
88 36 4144
89 36 31056
90 36 36193
91 36 3054
92 35 75907
93 35 26473
94 35 11362
95 35 7972
96 35 2677
97 35 33694
98 35 3327
99 34 12225
100 34 11824