
Genre: latin tek

Play genre

Latin tek music is a genre that combines elements of techno and Latin American music styles, such as reggaeton and cumbia. It often features fast-paced beats, heavy basslines, and intricate percussion patterns. The music is characterized by its energetic and danceable sound, with influences from both electronic and traditional Latin music. Artists in this genre often incorporate elements of club culture and underground music scenes, creating a unique and dynamic sound that appeals to a diverse audience.

Most popular latin tek artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Latin Tek genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 464
2024 60
2023 150
2022 132
2021 75
2020 47
2010s 56
2019 23
2018 11
2017 8
2016 6
2015 4
2014 2
2013 1
2012 1
520 releases

Popular latin tek Songs

Top New latin tek Songs of 2024

latin tek music by decade

Explore latin tek history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of latin tek artists

Here is a list of latin tek artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the latin tek genre. You can find out what latin tek genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 36417
2 72 322563
3 23 9371
4 43 8858
5 14 3406
6 22 9163
7 50 12494
8 30 4581
9 18 1899
10 9 2370
11 7 1788
12 42 26985
13 10 3145
14 18 6034
15 11 2599
16 34 9982
17 38 2963
18 10 1264
19 34 8721
20 20 2947
21 35 23699
22 21 4018
23 13 5084
24 35 8883
25 34 7270
26 33 7310
27 17 4361
28 26 7958
29 31 3078
30 30 913
31 26 6694
32 27 2341
33 29 5393
34 29 1936
35 21 6899
36 27 14906
37 27 6319
38 20 4556
39 22 4812
40 8 1071
41 27 2652
42 26 711
43 26 3802
44 26 2984
45 25 1521
46 8 2342
47 23 2005
48 24 4181
49 24 835
50 16 2531
51 18 2136
52 22 906
53 22 1478
54 19 3983
55 22 2004
56 21 1763
57 21 3311
58 20 1109
59 19 3017
60 19 2385
61 19 1899
62 19 1090
63 11 1717
64 18 2337
65 17 2317
66 13 1925
67 16 398
68 16 2260
69 16 5234
70 16 1211
71 13 1819
72 16 1449
73 16 2045
74 11 1336
75 15 1567
76 14 2654
77 14 89
78 14 1871
79 14 488
80 14 1475
81 12 288
82 13 1052
83 13 1262
84 12 1083
85 12 1860
86 11 283
87 11 148
88 10 977
89 10 490
90 10 370
91 9 766
92 9 817
93 9 705
94 9 1022
95 9 283
96 8 887
97 8 526
98 8 1102
99 7 235
100 7 295

latin tek playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular latin tek music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.