
Genre: latin

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Melodica, Synthesizer, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Drum Machine, Sampler, Turntables, Bass Synthesizer, Percussion, Keyboard, Horn Section

Popular latin Songs

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List of latin artists

Here is a list of latin artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the latin genre. You can find out what latin genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 83 13478833
2 85 33597460
3 78 14357390
4 91 10657226
5 90 45383080
6 83 11126546
7 87 34957529
8 86 33423775
9 95 80109065
10 84 13721226
11 86 36534317
12 88 21220427
13 86 36423960
14 82 2669015
15 80 18519225
16 79 7485963
17 81 10650788
18 88 14414668
19 79 865662
20 77 4335935
21 78 7120908
22 76 2144614
23 76 298299
24 75 377455
25 82 11908012
26 82 15512533
27 82 7496123
28 81 4478936
29 79 4835367
30 80 5766438
31 80 4102703
32 79 2361394
33 79 7123555
34 78 2056155
35 76 5351254
36 77 4004518
37 77 7592245
38 74 6719395
39 80 22232005
40 78 8628714
41 85 14872686
42 82 10323734
43 80 6443225
44 78 5404246
45 78 5920125
46 82 3010875
47 75 318789
48 74 22349210
49 79 4830773
50 81 6680723
51 83 6512232
52 83 4274219
53 79 764650
54 83 4596427
55 82 2776279
56 79 3351465
57 81 686522
58 76 1028057
59 76 850462
60 76 430048
61 79 7712727
62 82 20422383
63 78 3695119
64 75 9002976
65 75 7510250
66 74 4039865
67 76 7694835
68 84 2207369
69 75 1552001
70 74 610472
71 74 1186685
72 80 10357019
73 79 6070971
74 75 10364471
75 78 10660919
76 75 7396644
77 87 32490207
78 79 18755363
79 76 4659078
80 75 7405752
81 75 4308360
82 74 8536418
83 74 8206079
84 78 10836481
85 75 12453448
86 74 2285218
87 79 7709918
88 75 8386424
89 76 4863441
90 82 15015208
91 75 6906942
92 76 9449619
93 75 2678323
94 74 10486861
95 82 10886286
96 75 8381799
97 77 16029356
98 77 3781895
99 74 6799420
100 74 728786

latin playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular latin music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.