
Genre: lds

Play genre

LDS music is a genre that is characterized by its religious themes and uplifting messages. It often features large choirs with powerful harmonies and orchestral accompaniment. The music is designed to inspire and uplift listeners, and is often used in religious services and events. Some popular examples of LDS music include choral groups like The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, as well as solo artists who perform instrumental and vocal pieces. The genre is known for its emotional depth and spiritual significance, making it a favorite among many listeners.

Most popular lds artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Lds genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 163
2024 20
2023 48
2022 28
2021 35
2020 32
2010s 257
2019 37
2018 29
2017 25
2016 25
2015 25
2014 31
2013 16
2012 20
2011 21
2010 28
2000s 149
2009 23
2008 26
2007 17
2006 11
2005 17
2004 13
2003 8
2002 11
2001 13
2000 10
1990s 44
1999 8
1998 2
1997 10
1996 6
1995 2
1994 3
1993 5
1992 1
1991 5
1990 2
1980s 9
1989 1
1988 2
1987 2
1986 2
1983 1
1981 1
622 releases

Popular lds Songs

Top New lds Songs of 2024

lds music by decade

Explore lds history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of lds artists

Here is a list of lds artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the lds genre. You can find out what lds genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 60747
2 47 22730
3 44 43341
4 39 39113
5 38 2971
6 31 3650
7 36 1586
8 35 9376
9 34 3730
10 34 2718
11 33 8540
12 31 3346
13 31 1320
14 30 2682
15 28 7585
16 46 104583
17 27 3225
18 27 1626
19 57 94904
20 52 122122
21 25 3603
22 25 2334
23 24 1103
24 24 1854
25 23 1257
26 23 2889
27 21 925
28 21 1099
29 20 1501
30 50 4072
31 19 462
32 19 1115
33 19 787
34 19 240
35 19 843
36 47 2488
37 40 81333
38 44 8941
39 43 407
40 35 5569
41 40 70040
42 34 22206
43 31 8499
44 38 907
45 30 5451
46 31 14849
47 32 13144
48 35 28176
49 35 17198
50 35 18840
51 28 5591
52 29 10781
53 28 8148
54 33 6934
55 32 21744
56 32 12263
57 24 3401
58 32 1928
59 32 10047
60 31 39226
61 31 363
62 30 1507
63 28 19733
64 29 894
65 29 228
66 21 2736
67 28 1389
68 27 550
69 27 13271
70 26 20156
71 24 5317
72 26 3166
73 26 2311
74 25 8001
75 25 404
76 25 4439
77 25 7450
78 25 733
79 24 2023
80 24 6112
81 23 687
82 23 270
83 23 240
84 22 138
85 22 1281
86 22 2360
87 22 1947
88 21 684
89 20 282
90 20 918
91 19 639
92 19 2903
93 19 652
94 19 880
95 19 1084
96 19 370
97 19 937
98 18 544
99 18 1512
100 18 2354

lds playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular lds music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.