
Genre: lo-fi beats

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

Lo-fi beats is a genre of music that is characterized by its relaxed and mellow sound. It often features a combination of hip-hop beats, jazz samples, and ambient textures. The music is typically produced with a vintage or analog feel, giving it a warm and nostalgic quality. Lo-fi beats are often used as background music for studying, working, or relaxing. Mondo Loops, softy, and Tibeauthetraveler are all artists who create music within this genre.

Most popular lo-fi beats artists

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Popular lo-fi beats Songs

Top New lo-fi beats Songs of 2024

lo-fi beats music by decade

Explore lo-fi beats history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of lo-fi beats artists

Here is a list of lo-fi beats artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the lo-fi beats genre. You can find out what lo-fi beats genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 9362
2 45 10878
3 61 28184
4 59 39207
5 54 208195
6 55 227560
7 59 26615
8 53 156908
9 56 14532
10 57 15476
11 56 8443
12 55 17017
13 50 39787
14 50 84029
15 52 14524
16 52 31611
17 51 17066
18 53 172605
19 50 8161
20 50 7122
21 52 44367
22 52 61969
23 52 11801
24 52 86887
25 50 11773
26 49 9894
27 49 5716
28 49 10348
29 49 15151
30 49 91809
31 48 5679
32 48 5652
33 49 23408
34 49 12540
35 47 6804
36 49 21971
37 49 26015
38 46 4279
39 46 3524
40 46 12380
41 46 8545
42 45 8591
43 45 5302
44 45 12953
45 46 18027
46 46 32357
47 46 9210
48 46 10684
49 46 24407
50 45 13569
51 45 39473
52 44 24895
53 44 11922
54 44 8782
55 56 338369
56 54 27059
57 53 15945
58 52 3353
59 49 164921
60 51 180105
61 56 226753
62 50 21819
63 54 94841
64 54 49998
65 48 106223
66 46 19525
67 52 35616
68 52 14947
69 47 57401
70 50 50022
71 45 98934
72 49 154304
73 49 102412
74 48 57036
75 48 3590
76 48 228559
77 47 119629
78 47 945
79 47 13651
80 47 61043
81 47 52847
82 47 2004
83 46 13313
84 46 1178
85 46 27921
86 46 1024
87 45 3560
88 45 5260
89 46 3045
90 45 392
91 45 15738
92 45 39366
93 45 8668
94 45 1734
95 45 5925
96 45 28595
97 45 30246
98 45 73188
99 45 1294
100 44 10647

lo-fi beats playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular lo-fi beats music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.