
Genre: lo-fi cover

Play genre

Lo-fi cover music is a subgenre of lo-fi music that involves covering popular songs in a stripped-down, lo-fi style. It often features acoustic instruments, simple production, and a relaxed, laid-back vibe. Lofi Fruits Music, Fallen Roses, and Closed on Sunday are all examples of artists who create lo-fi cover music. Their music is characterized by its mellow, nostalgic sound and its ability to create a sense of calm and relaxation.

Most popular lo-fi cover artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Lo-fi Cover genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1692
2024 141
2023 443
2022 550
2021 353
2020 205
2010s 64
2019 39
2018 23
2015 1
2014 1
1756 releases

Popular lo-fi cover Songs

Top New lo-fi cover Songs of 2024

lo-fi cover music by decade

Explore lo-fi cover history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of lo-fi cover artists

Here is a list of lo-fi cover artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the lo-fi cover genre. You can find out what lo-fi cover genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 952910
2 64 8833
3 57 80399
4 56 6804
5 55 12237
6 55 16345
7 54 21289
8 53 3797
9 53 7819
10 52 128634
11 52 2700
12 51 20027
13 51 234403
14 51 2326
15 49 5093
16 48 1441
17 48 1716
18 47 8602
19 47 744
20 47 929
21 47 832
22 47 52211
23 47 1910
24 46 1633
25 45 532
26 46 1250
27 46 2619
28 46 1033
29 46 2639
30 45 19052
31 44 2258
32 44 56448
33 37 159
34 42 299
35 37 505
36 43 10576
37 43 362
38 43 691
39 42 0
40 42 802
41 42 1518
42 42 37946
43 42 15008
44 41 1107
45 40 1100
46 40 339
47 40 438
48 40 739
49 34 167
50 40 8787
51 33 266
52 33 192
53 39 7748
54 39 8586
55 39 188
56 39 418
57 38 542
58 32 181
59 38 6651
60 38 360
61 38 2043
62 38 354
63 38 463
64 37 428
65 37 4927
66 37 23606
67 37 13320
68 37 523
69 35 6263
70 36 573
71 36 517
72 36 1033
73 36 363
74 35 559
75 35 5157
76 35 253
77 33 4207
78 35 9055
79 34 264
80 34 4662
81 34 157
82 34 1071
83 33 504
84 33 178
85 33 402
86 33 13698
87 33 1647
88 33 137
89 33 31613
90 33 326
91 32 197
92 32 308
93 32 1082
94 32 562
95 31 215
96 31 172
97 31 2661
98 31 87
99 31 1367
100 30 239

lo-fi cover playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular lo-fi cover music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.