
Genre: lo-fi product

Play genre

Lo-fi product music is a genre of music that is characterized by its relaxed and mellow sound. It often features simple beats, soft melodies, and a vintage feel. Lofi Fruits Music, Chill Fruits Music, and Dance Fruits Music are all sub-genres of lo-fi product music that incorporate different elements. Lofi Fruits Music is perfect for studying or relaxing, Chill Fruits Music is ideal for creating a calming atmosphere, and Dance Fruits Music is great for getting your body moving. Each sub-genre has its own unique style and vibe, but they all share the same laid-back and easy-going feel. (AI Generated)

Most popular lo-fi product artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Lo-fi Product genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 604
2024 44
2023 80
2022 121
2021 181
2020 178
2010s 168
2019 95
2018 56
2017 9
2016 2
2015 1
2014 1
2013 1
2012 1
2011 2
2000s 1
2008 1
773 releases

Popular lo-fi product Songs

Top New lo-fi product Songs of 2024

lo-fi product music by decade

Explore lo-fi product history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of lo-fi product artists

Here is a list of lo-fi product artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the lo-fi product genre. You can find out what lo-fi product genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 68 953447
2 67 96198
3 62 561987
4 57 26038
5 54 68659
6 51 30761
7 50 27925
8 49 63093
9 46 10562
10 45 975
11 45 61895
12 43 28929
13 43 19287
14 39 23036
15 39 27353
16 38 3502
17 38 1427
18 37 17703
19 36 15019
20 36 15718
21 36 4298
22 36 10226
23 36 15166
24 33 4219
25 34 6854
26 33 18604
27 32 20605
28 32 4631
29 31 5570
30 31 4013
31 31 8885
32 31 4108
33 30 2624
34 30 7122
35 29 1781
36 29 3728
37 28 2472
38 28 2666
39 28 22450
40 28 754
41 27 2840
42 27 2324
43 26 103452
44 26 4772
45 25 1009
46 24 13201
47 24 6361
48 23 4425
49 23 1686
50 22 2579
51 21 57182
52 21 7666
53 21 3797
54 21 1258
55 20 936
56 20 131
57 20 1177
58 20 508
59 20 2944
60 19 4024
61 19 462
62 19 317
63 18 1420
64 18 559
65 18 2973
66 18 837
67 17 482
68 16 464
69 16 1190
70 16 474
71 16 3325
72 15 3105
73 15 1341
74 14 1116
75 14 2794
76 14 1498
77 14 1323
78 13 432
79 13 2719
80 13 217
81 12 1452
82 12 76
83 12 2198
84 12 1026
85 12 306
86 11 278
87 11 17174
88 11 3695
89 11 880
90 10 1115
91 10 1132
92 10 273
93 10 1109
94 10 67
95 9 840
96 9 790
97 9 409
98 9 640
99 9 1654
100 8 843

lo-fi product playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular lo-fi product music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.