
Genre: louvores pentecostais

Play genre

Louvores pentecostais music is a genre of Christian music that is characterized by its energetic and uplifting melodies, often accompanied by powerful vocals and lyrics that express devotion and praise to God. The music typically incorporates elements of traditional gospel music, such as call-and-response vocals and lively instrumentation. Louvores pentecostais music is commonly performed in churches and religious gatherings, and is intended to inspire worship and spiritual connection with God.

Most popular louvores pentecostais artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Louvores Pentecostais genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 817
2024 34
2023 253
2022 225
2021 196
2020 109
2010s 177
2019 70
2018 40
2017 19
2016 16
2015 8
2014 6
2013 3
2012 7
2011 7
2010 1
2000s 5
2009 2
2007 2
2003 1
1990s 2
1995 1
1994 1
1001 releases

Popular louvores pentecostais Songs

Top New louvores pentecostais Songs of 2024

louvores pentecostais music by decade

Explore louvores pentecostais history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of louvores pentecostais artists

Here is a list of louvores pentecostais artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the louvores pentecostais genre. You can find out what louvores pentecostais genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 68226
2 58 189591
3 57 248527
4 49 79609
5 48 240763
6 48 111723
7 47 142656
8 41 206824
9 40 86402
10 40 101932
11 40 50402
12 37 101982
13 36 67886
14 35 102149
15 36 31465
16 35 76664
17 34 46021
18 34 50642
19 34 75524
20 33 24178
21 31 48540
22 30 66588
23 26 58642
24 49 0
25 24 38326
26 41 87966
27 40 23559
28 40 10065
29 39 38034
30 39 146065
31 37 31455
32 36 20339
33 36 7065
34 34 18567
35 34 25882
36 33 14973
37 33 15103
38 33 10761
39 32 5058
40 32 6379
41 32 36787
42 32 9241
43 32 38644
44 32 2950
45 31 25116
46 31 7239
47 31 15088
48 30 1952
49 30 3317
50 29 10696
51 29 7231
52 29 13275
53 29 10108
54 29 32678
55 29 10652
56 29 2004
57 29 73126
58 29 22260
59 29 17690
60 28 11269
61 27 7324
62 27 29717
63 27 24360
64 27 2079
65 26 31757
66 26 8032
67 25 3626
68 25 6702
69 24 3257
70 23 2327
71 23 10905
72 23 25421
73 23 35780
74 23 10444
75 22 9060
76 22 4844
77 21 2665
78 21 3487
79 21 6491
80 21 7000
81 21 4052
82 21 33878
83 21 22062
84 21 2536
85 20 11066
86 20 4729
87 19 1092
88 19 721
89 19 1220
90 19 502
91 19 923
92 19 3687
93 18 12290
94 18 12643
95 18 4504
96 18 11350
97 18 1289
98 18 1999
99 18 7736
100 17 1275

louvores pentecostais playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular louvores pentecostais music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.