
Genre: lovers rock

Play genre

Lovers rock is a subgenre of reggae music that emerged in the 1970s in the UK. It is characterized by its romantic and soulful lyrics, smooth melodies, and heavy emphasis on the bassline. The genre is often associated with romantic themes and is known for its ability to evoke feelings of love and passion in listeners. Today, lovers rock continues to be popular among both reggae fans and mainstream audiences, with artists incorporating modern elements and sounds into the genre.

Most popular lovers rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Lovers Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 544
2024 93
2023 165
2022 112
2021 93
2020 81
2010s 914
2019 91
2018 66
2017 75
2016 79
2015 87
2014 92
2013 85
2012 124
2011 127
2010 88
2000s 673
2009 106
2008 66
2007 89
2006 85
2005 111
2004 43
2003 32
2002 50
2001 33
2000 58
1990s 335
1999 44
1998 43
1997 42
1996 35
1995 38
1994 34
1993 26
1992 30
1991 26
1990 17
1980s 110
1989 9
1988 9
1987 14
1986 15
1985 10
1984 11
1983 15
1982 15
1981 6
1980 6
1970s 81
1979 14
1978 7
1977 7
1976 9
1975 7
1974 5
1973 9
1972 13
1971 4
1970 6
1960s 7
1969 2
1968 5
1900s 3
1909 2
1905 1
2667 releases

Popular lovers rock Songs

Top New lovers rock Songs of 2024

lovers rock music by decade

Explore lovers rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of lovers rock artists

Here is a list of lovers rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the lovers rock genre. You can find out what lovers rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 35 69888
2 48 40430
3 42 92462
4 43 70382
5 43 93745
6 41 28858
7 37 52584
8 38 46759
9 47 185721
10 31 56323
11 30 17843
12 43 157737
13 39 47336
14 37 32905
15 36 19599
16 42 58987
17 38 96885
18 52 327241
19 41 74936
20 40 72572
21 48 383931
22 47 223958
23 50 142965
24 37 81972
25 36 55690
26 47 67593
27 41 134775
28 40 6005
29 27 25561
30 27 15404
31 55 358838
32 38 37186
33 38 103022
34 35 23973
35 35 38750
36 46 82625
37 31 10590
38 30 43797
39 30 34711
40 43 228576
41 36 53483
42 36 92571
43 58 722492
44 41 22212
45 40 29025
46 39 34477
47 54 357470
48 34 38206
49 39 117749
50 51 307954
51 30 31898
52 49 191031
53 45 149784
54 45 143979
55 35 20343
56 47 234383
57 34 37637
58 33 33846
59 30 50312
60 27 13634
61 38 62072
62 46 180619
63 27 44932
64 40 60220
65 53 74818
66 35 46943
67 42 102041
68 42 51182
69 41 17669
70 51 233224
71 53 106631
72 29 15179
73 30 16957
74 30 22024
75 29 20498
76 34 38698
77 44 48591
78 57 426515
79 44 29753
80 43 135520
81 32 18126
82 29 6900
83 42 57198
84 28 7636
85 36 19582
86 40 68340
87 38 21709
88 33 7030
89 37 7451
90 32 5615
91 30 16234
92 34 17955
93 32 12548
94 30 9200
95 30 2782
96 30 10902
97 28 14638
98 27 7534
99 27 2443
100 27 4062

lovers rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular lovers rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.