
Genre: makina

Play genre

Parent Genre: latin

Makina is a fast-paced electronic music genre that originated in Spain in the 1990s. It is characterized by its high tempo, aggressive beats, and use of distorted synthesizers. Makina often features repetitive and catchy melodies, and is often associated with the rave and club scenes. The genre gained popularity in Spain and other parts of Europe, and has since spread to other parts of the world.

Most popular makina artists

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Popular makina Songs

Top New makina Songs of 2024

makina music by decade

Explore makina history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of makina artists

Here is a list of makina artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the makina genre. You can find out what makina genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 46 22046
2 39 9244
3 38 1622
4 38 21152
5 36 686
6 33 3044
7 32 13035
8 34 6017
9 31 4332
10 25 874
11 26 7851
12 23 12698
13 25 10964
14 21 2571
15 24 792
16 24 1720
17 24 746
18 24 2129
19 20 918
20 23 2343
21 22 9708
22 22 950
23 22 2143
24 21 1539
25 20 330
26 20 1416
27 20 170
28 20 514
29 19 6696
30 19 6391
31 19 147
32 19 2709
33 19 270
34 18 2913
35 18 954
36 17 3094
37 17 2091
38 16 1195
39 17 2288
40 16 1143
41 16 158
42 16 341
43 16 1221
44 16 161
45 16 554
46 16 624
47 15 2135
48 15 1411
49 15 709
50 15 294
51 15 556
52 14 656
53 14 1060
54 13 503
55 14 1447
56 13 115
57 13 206
58 13 166
59 13 223
60 13 377
61 12 1973
62 12 344
63 12 62
64 12 214
65 12 502
66 11 3082
67 11 628
68 11 865
69 11 184
70 11 1060
71 10 748
72 10 487
73 10 103
74 10 412
75 10 1147
76 10 140
77 9 79
78 9 709
79 8 1577
80 8 300
81 8 80
82 7 176
83 7 196
84 7 666
85 7 343
86 6 602
87 6 273
88 5 409
89 5 332
90 5 435
91 5 172
92 5 580
93 5 527
94 4 362
95 4 386
96 4 152
97 4 178
98 4 128
99 4 182
100 3 450

makina playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular makina music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.