
Genre: manguebeat

Play genre

Parent Genre: latin

Manguebeat is a Brazilian music genre that emerged in the 1990s, blending traditional Brazilian rhythms with rock, funk, and hip hop. It is characterized by its energetic and upbeat sound, often incorporating electronic elements and socially conscious lyrics. The genre originated in the northeastern city of Recife and has since spread throughout Brazil and beyond.

Most popular manguebeat artists

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Related instruments

Bass Guitar, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Horn Section, Keyboard, Percussion

Popular manguebeat Songs

Top New manguebeat Songs of 2024

manguebeat music by decade

Explore manguebeat history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of manguebeat artists

Here is a list of manguebeat artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the manguebeat genre. You can find out what manguebeat genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 44 42522
2 35 29652
3 60 777966
4 55 276572
5 41 20000
6 33 62805
7 39 81783
8 35 79837
9 33 64747
10 33 30443
11 30 50504
12 28 41522
13 52 221061
14 22 11986
15 62 1588225
16 40 90319
17 41 77242
18 40 51357
19 51 19455
20 63 1839765
21 25 27672
22 66 2883934
23 29 23321
24 47 193795
25 30 23302
26 64 976621
27 58 1040458
28 16 11197
29 22 13957
30 20 29951
31 14 22310
32 51 756115
33 32 37040
34 54 877381
35 7 7468
36 11 9691
37 47 107470
38 19 12036
39 41 8564
40 8 6120
41 10 5740
42 35 3579
43 8 974
44 23 18084
45 24 65868
46 6 2063
47 6 5956
48 3 725
49 3 2099
50 2 177
51 1 8831
52 7 5315
53 10 2613
54 11 1682
55 8 1729
56 7 491
57 3 1990

manguebeat playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular manguebeat music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.