
Genre mariachi

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Mariachi music is a traditional Mexican genre that features a large ensemble of musicians playing a variety of instruments such as trumpets, violins, and guitars. The music is characterized by its lively rhythms, passionate vocals, and emotional lyrics that often celebrate love, patriotism, and Mexican culture. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating elements of other musical styles such as jazz and pop. Its popularity has spread beyond Mexico, with many artists gaining international recognition. (AI Generated)

Most popular mariachi artists

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Parent Genre: latin

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Mariachi genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1362
2025 3
2024 145
2023 363
2022 324
2021 275
2020 252
2010s 1553
2019 188
2018 147
2017 157
2016 162
2015 194
2014 185
2013 132
2012 151
2011 135
2010 102
2000s 952
2009 122
2008 117
2007 127
2006 88
2005 80
2004 77
2003 90
2002 100
2001 80
2000 71
1990s 504
1999 66
1998 87
1997 43
1996 54
1995 50
1994 38
1993 43
1992 46
1991 47
1990 30
1980s 149
1989 21
1988 27
1987 13
1986 14
1985 11
1984 15
1983 14
1982 9
1981 10
1980 15
1970s 91
1979 7
1978 14
1977 16
1976 5
1975 10
1974 7
1973 10
1972 12
1971 5
1970 5
1960s 56
1969 4
1968 5
1967 9
1966 4
1965 5
1964 5
1963 7
1962 4
1961 7
1960 6
1950s 35
1959 4
1958 11
1957 8
1955 4
1954 3
1951 1
1950 4
1940s 3
1949 1
1947 2
4705 releases

mariachi playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular mariachi music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular mariachi Songs

Top New mariachi Songs of 2024

mariachi music by decade

Explore mariachi history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of mariachi artists

Here is a list of mariachi artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the mariachi genre. You can find out what mariachi genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 77 11885532
2 70 3577953
3 78 11325188
4 51 587578
5 63 2414691
6 62 2427463
7 78 15590473
8 53 701039
9 49 527360
10 49 479388
11 49 366520
12 75 9598404
13 67 3868118
14 47 930980
15 47 451986
16 45 439759
17 45 216007
18 68 4657622
19 64 2383539
20 43 142490
21 64 2541966
22 75 8111906
23 40 90980
24 40 76443
25 39 48756
26 38 204324
27 37 113203
28 52 680282
29 72 3728699
30 63 2303098
31 54 290353
32 69 4903591
33 69 1103299
34 53 337500
35 69 4647610
36 55 834007
37 59 2342697
38 75 7855802
39 48 269045
40 48 413418
41 53 469780
42 51 84782
43 49 233983
44 58 1199192
45 48 242915
46 47 338846
47 60 230900
48 45 79626
49 44 99329
50 42 456012
51 42 148678
52 40 50581
53 44 125581
54 60 1067530
55 38 39266
56 43 65695
57 37 38794
58 37 4398
59 70 4923779
60 48 80337
61 64 1737967
62 64 95694
63 44 19844
64 56 229134
65 56 285426
66 54 181432
67 46 43492
68 49 14867
69 46 30290
70 46 64338
71 44 181122
72 44 59663
73 38 32701
74 81 18264505
75 39 1205
76 59 1460406
77 51 583121
78 44 268845
79 62 1034869
80 38 17932
81 41 70003
82 38 60329
83 42 39874
84 39 437481
85 43 45390
86 56 449378
87 61 1153323
88 60 1017131
89 60 1375289
90 54 129941
91 53 31834
92 42 92048
93 44 56758
94 41 102962
95 44 38989
96 38 54686
97 40 19268
98 39 43141
99 38 3520
100 38 5157