
Genre: mariachi

Play genre

Mariachi music is a traditional Mexican genre that features a large ensemble of musicians playing a variety of instruments such as trumpets, violins, and guitars. The music is characterized by its lively rhythms, passionate vocals, and emotional lyrics that often celebrate love, patriotism, and Mexican culture. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating elements of other musical styles such as jazz and pop. Its popularity has spread beyond Mexico, with many artists gaining international recognition.

Most popular mariachi artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Mariachi genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 374
2024 44
2023 82
2022 84
2021 77
2020 87
2010s 623
2019 50
2018 57
2017 70
2016 60
2015 89
2014 48
2013 65
2012 70
2011 68
2010 46
2000s 420
2009 42
2008 47
2007 60
2006 37
2005 35
2004 31
2003 41
2002 44
2001 40
2000 43
1990s 275
1999 39
1998 47
1997 24
1996 17
1995 25
1994 23
1993 33
1992 26
1991 22
1990 19
1980s 64
1989 11
1988 17
1987 4
1986 7
1985 3
1984 5
1983 4
1982 3
1981 3
1980 7
1970s 43
1979 1
1978 7
1977 7
1976 1
1975 4
1974 2
1973 7
1972 9
1971 3
1970 2
1960s 32
1968 3
1967 8
1965 3
1964 3
1963 4
1962 3
1961 5
1960 3
1950s 26
1959 4
1958 10
1957 5
1955 3
1951 1
1950 3
1940s 2
1947 2
1859 releases

Popular mariachi Songs

Top New mariachi Songs of 2024

mariachi music by decade

Explore mariachi history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of mariachi artists

Here is a list of mariachi artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the mariachi genre. You can find out what mariachi genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 77 7773753
2 82 15027222
3 77 9053589
4 72 3376723
5 70 4542098
6 72 4536875
7 65 2431157
8 74 985950
9 66 2224826
10 55 808831
11 79 11131873
12 74 4561249
13 65 2364572
14 65 2331783
15 55 313849
16 56 275527
17 62 465025
18 61 2253063
19 50 256474
20 57 189706
21 53 366495
22 52 464273
23 52 906101
24 55 693731
25 54 227360
26 48 430014
27 52 515062
28 51 441402
29 44 453966
30 48 86804
31 47 203596
32 45 62597
33 42 37215
34 42 34764
35 45 137552
36 44 56028
37 43 87396
38 42 73503
39 41 27413
40 40 102848
41 39 110380
42 38 29164
43 37 138513
44 37 25118
45 37 85040
46 36 9115
47 33 44037
48 33 15492
49 33 19900
50 33 40160
51 31 20545
52 30 13410
53 30 28275
54 28 12781
55 27 25650
56 27 5130
57 48 57116
58 43 3868
59 41 42251
60 41 16483
61 41 18501
62 41 3408
63 37 3785
64 38 5055
65 38 640
66 37 2523
67 36 7886
68 35 19013
69 35 1894
70 30 7858
71 34 2436
72 34 82651
73 33 51765
74 29 4622
75 33 13462
76 33 13292
77 33 2424
78 33 9969
79 32 30694
80 32 3385
81 31 31851
82 31 6950
83 31 4078
84 30 2901
85 30 4310
86 29 2242
87 29 1021
88 29 2686
89 28 5288
90 28 4599
91 27 2261
92 27 20235
93 27 3679
94 27 22678
95 26 1072
96 26 12568
97 26 7769
98 26 5492
99 26 7632
100 26 1610

mariachi playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular mariachi music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.