
Genre: mecha

Play genre

Mecha music is a genre that is often associated with anime and science fiction. It features high-energy electronic beats and vocals that are often sung in Japanese. The music is often used in mecha-themed anime and video games, and is known for its catchy melodies and upbeat tempo. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists incorporating elements of mecha music into their own work. Some notable examples include the use of mecha music in the anime series Macross Delta, which features performances by the fictional idol group Walküre.

Most popular mecha artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Mecha genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 153
2024 7
2023 14
2022 17
2021 6
2020 109
2010s 119
2019 14
2018 10
2017 11
2016 9
2015 16
2014 7
2013 10
2012 11
2011 12
2010 19
2000s 108
2009 16
2008 33
2007 7
2006 15
2005 7
2004 5
2003 12
2002 7
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 65
1999 14
1998 6
1997 6
1996 6
1995 14
1994 6
1993 7
1992 6
1980s 12
1989 1
1988 2
1987 1
1986 3
1985 1
1984 1
1982 2
1981 1
457 releases

Popular mecha Songs

Top New mecha Songs of 2024

mecha music by decade

Explore mecha history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of mecha artists

Here is a list of mecha artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the mecha genre. You can find out what mecha genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 13111
2 45 53811
3 42 24578
4 41 19320
5 38 30621
6 40 13926
7 38 8599
8 35 10920
9 35 14589
10 35 12398
11 35 12704
12 34 7346
13 30 5186
14 32 6231
15 32 3069
16 31 6853
17 31 4914
18 31 1036
19 30 4203
20 30 5865
21 30 2550
22 30 5629
23 30 10119
24 30 7246
25 30 2040
26 29 7784
27 29 1230
28 28 289
29 28 3897
30 28 3726
31 28 452
32 27 3576
33 27 4907
34 27 5866
35 27 3481
36 27 113
37 27 277
38 27 178
39 27 141
40 27 208
41 26 5029
42 25 7627
43 25 7930
44 25 3325
45 25 3503
46 21 1999
47 23 1732
48 23 521
49 23 1213
50 22 644
51 22 19923
52 22 3047
53 21 902
54 21 166
55 21 743
56 21 373
57 20 145
58 20 101
59 20 71
60 20 675
61 20 543
62 20 1915
63 20 3034
64 20 132
65 19 880
66 19 1595
67 19 126
68 18 726
69 18 350
70 18 1321
71 18 1913
72 18 73
73 18 3154
74 17 1347
75 17 700
76 17 709
77 17 116
78 17 1006
79 16 5400
80 16 1863
81 16 1122
82 16 1742
83 16 184
84 16 1441
85 15 51
86 15 92
87 15 1301
88 15 2174
89 15 78
90 15 620
91 14 882
92 14 491
93 14 176
94 14 1381
95 14 451
96 13 266
97 13 1311
98 13 519
99 12 756
100 12 396

mecha playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular mecha music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.