
Genre medieval metal

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Medieval metal is a subgenre that fuses elements of heavy metal with the traditional melodies and instruments of the medieval period. It often incorporates acoustic instruments such as lutes, bagpipes, and hurdy-gurdies, creating a rich tapestry of sound that evokes a bygone era. The lyrics frequently explore themes of folklore, mythology, and historical events, transporting listeners to a time of chivalry and legend. This genre is characterized by its unique blend of powerful riffs and ancient harmonies, offering a distinct auditory experience that bridges the past with the modern metal sound. (AI Generated)

Most popular medieval metal artists

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Parent Genre: metal

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Instruments used

Bass Guitar, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Medieval Metal genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 975
2025 1
2024 176
2023 335
2022 182
2021 162
2020 119
2010s 1002
2019 123
2018 118
2017 112
2016 104
2015 116
2014 100
2013 83
2012 83
2011 88
2010 75
2000s 396
2009 91
2008 54
2007 48
2006 52
2005 30
2004 34
2003 28
2002 23
2001 19
2000 17
1990s 72
1999 14
1998 13
1997 12
1996 5
1995 9
1994 5
1993 5
1992 6
1991 1
1990 2
1980s 5
1989 2
1988 1
1985 2
2450 releases

medieval metal playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular medieval metal music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular medieval metal Songs

Top New medieval metal Songs of 2024

medieval metal music by decade

Explore medieval metal history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of medieval metal artists

Here is a list of medieval metal artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the medieval metal genre. You can find out what medieval metal genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 588704
2 41 114043
3 47 141867
4 61 985852
5 49 128513
6 57 274444
7 51 207643
8 48 193520
9 47 329065
10 50 428401
11 45 118881
12 50 139696
13 39 82436
14 54 409225
15 44 181929
16 33 57890
17 51 395132
18 33 78861
19 53 751828
20 54 267089
21 50 260825
22 57 601461
23 41 78545
24 47 145504
25 43 231015
26 40 49883
27 32 31536
28 39 130579
29 39 183688
30 46 110561
31 33 44033
32 37 8320
33 40 36257
34 34 5809
35 34 18605
36 42 113167
37 31 31695
38 31 13676
39 34 23024
40 31 21778
41 42 200082
42 31 36361
43 38 75670
44 35 11105
45 37 123033
46 43 56403
47 45 181274
48 36 146579
49 40 27777
50 37 5721
51 33 119549
52 32 31547
53 44 82461
54 30 4100
55 43 17499
56 39 6068
57 52 444868
58 42 14200
59 48 397921
60 34 25423
61 48 184419
62 44 93793
63 31 4425
64 30 5070
65 38 40142
66 48 46659
67 38 44478
68 38 199075
69 37 60761
70 36 47112
71 33 52016
72 43 114483
73 31 6574
74 33 10802
75 40 6551
76 39 46605
77 30 22702
78 39 48657
79 37 11841
80 37 36623
81 31 32599
82 52 437989
83 32 7690
84 30 12967
85 52 147355
86 31 25759
87 36 2073
88 31 8408
89 38 47032
90 41 114912
91 30 17807
92 48 157906
93 34 31948
94 45 68058
95 45 181821
96 41 6409
97 41 15090
98 36 10021
99 31 74237
100 33 32336