
Genre melodic bass

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Melodic bass music is a captivating subgenre that seamlessly blends the emotive elements of melodic tunes with the depth and power of bass-driven soundscapes. Characterized by its richly layered melodies, atmospheric pads, and dynamic basslines, this music evokes a sense of uplifting euphoria and introspective tranquility. With its expertly crafted drops and poignant vocals, melodic bass invites listeners to experience a journey of both energy and emotion, making it a favorite for those who seek musical storytelling through electronic sound. (AI Generated)

Most popular melodic bass artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Melodic Bass genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2344
2025 4
2024 409
2023 697
2022 464
2021 396
2020 374
2010s 887
2019 290
2018 183
2017 144
2016 111
2015 62
2014 35
2013 22
2012 25
2011 9
2010 6
2000s 8
2009 3
2008 3
2007 1
2006 1
3239 releases

melodic bass playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular melodic bass music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular melodic bass Songs

Top New melodic bass Songs of 2024

melodic bass music by decade

Explore melodic bass history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of melodic bass artists

Here is a list of melodic bass artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the melodic bass genre. You can find out what melodic bass genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 135238
2 57 508470
3 64 553241
4 51 311232
5 48 77801
6 47 155693
7 42 110487
8 46 63534
9 48 64334
10 69 1558672
11 55 189570
12 53 290224
13 66 977841
14 44 26241
15 50 46265
16 53 69694
17 39 61583
18 53 116999
19 39 60537
20 52 33434
21 51 46134
22 37 27734
23 47 38473
24 47 26692
25 47 99471
26 46 114333
27 45 100965
28 58 755233
29 42 11725
30 40 13750
31 39 73589
32 38 3796
33 38 27585
34 41 7869
35 51 151320
36 49 148967
37 47 124704
38 44 14292
39 42 12386
40 40 158111
41 45 186174
42 37 11436
43 50 33851
44 47 54745
45 46 39041
46 52 419316
47 45 46814
48 45 82652
49 45 45454
50 43 613
51 43 17065
52 43 25480
53 42 6087
54 38 19267
55 41 45175
56 41 20068
57 41 4723
58 41 35612
59 40 11741
60 40 4839
61 39 18573
62 39 7140
63 36 6020
64 39 5881
65 37 10341
66 37 37497
67 37 21435
68 37 6307
69 36 12521
70 36 3981
71 36 13439
72 36 5109
73 36 2320
74 41 22904
75 43 58281
76 42 72766
77 46 12926
78 54 59768
79 60 123630
80 57 143377
81 56 162598
82 52 33964
83 52 8649
84 45 11611
85 47 4625
86 42 11199
87 36 1141
88 41 29049
89 42 29117
90 41 839
91 40 72345
92 40 53014
93 39 47352
94 38 963
95 38 3673
96 37 1228
97 37 44393
98 36 1271
99 36 2518
100 36 1462