
Genre memphis rap

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Memphis rap, a subgenre of hip-hop, emerged in the early 1990s and is characterized by its gritty, raw production and dark, moody beats. The music often features lo-fi, eerie soundscapes and heavy use of samples, with lyrics that explore themes of street life, resilience, and the supernatural. Known for its influential underground scene, Memphis rap has had a lasting impact on the broader hip-hop genre, inspiring numerous artists with its distinctive style and independent spirit. (AI Generated)

Most popular memphis rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Memphis Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4457
2025 13
2024 617
2023 1389
2022 1086
2021 772
2020 580
2010s 1013
2019 335
2018 242
2017 126
2016 65
2015 70
2014 40
2013 52
2012 27
2011 29
2010 27
2000s 155
2009 18
2008 8
2007 16
2006 18
2005 19
2004 16
2003 16
2002 10
2001 20
2000 14
1990s 96
1999 10
1998 17
1997 17
1996 14
1995 16
1994 16
1993 1
1992 3
1991 2
1980s 1
1980 1
5722 releases

memphis rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular memphis rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular memphis rap Songs

Top New memphis rap Songs of 2024

memphis rap music by decade

Explore memphis rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of memphis rap artists

Here is a list of memphis rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the memphis rap genre. You can find out what memphis rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 175870
2 37 18229
3 67 1904620
4 51 120213
5 63 1394255
6 45 83211
7 43 25579
8 57 17287
9 57 227764
10 41 16339
11 54 61604
12 36 17355
13 65 898649
14 45 79139
15 69 1069170
16 45 146688
17 71 3117932
18 45 49809
19 45 148898
20 41 30643
21 41 8694
22 41 79472
23 65 531289
24 39 14608
25 56 38788
26 56 38537
27 38 12561
28 37 5983
29 73 3256191
30 63 4395960
31 36 2379
32 36 70221
33 51 42197
34 37 13266
35 49 666687
36 46 479202
37 44 203114
38 40 71288
39 46 358097
40 45 40148
41 46 3607
42 40 143940
43 43 493703
44 74 2203830
45 42 184175
46 74 4865026
47 51 247566
48 36 1175
49 40 767
50 39 2421
51 39 22939
52 38 1344
53 38 2478
54 67 1877744
55 37 4530
56 45 361313
57 35 4665
58 63 352476
59 47 28967
60 40 360332
61 45 95492
62 45 16612
63 60 677404
64 59 291305
65 59 578697
66 59 65549
67 54 1404295
68 53 111329
69 36 7080
70 53 104497
71 37 25914
72 50 157781
73 49 1657645
74 49 78709
75 49 52059
76 41 26988
77 47 18654
78 43 15906
79 45 587
80 46 232815
81 46 147215
82 41 10762
83 45 19166
84 38 22822
85 43 150658
86 43 103873
87 43 3141
88 42 16695
89 40 4667
90 41 27235
91 41 117801
92 41 97333
93 41 113943
94 40 13378
95 40 48725
96 39 5108
97 37 21556
98 38 3945
99 37 19028
100 36 22111