
Genre: men chika

Play genre

Men chika is a Japanese music genre that features upbeat and catchy electronic beats, often accompanied by playful and humorous lyrics. The genre is characterized by its use of high-pitched vocals and energetic dance routines. Men chika artists often incorporate elements of pop, hip-hop, and EDM into their music, creating a unique and entertaining sound.

Most popular men chika artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Men Chika genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 525
2024 62
2023 169
2022 172
2021 74
2020 48
2010s 44
2019 27
2018 5
2017 4
2016 5
2015 3
569 releases

Popular men chika Songs

Top New men chika Songs of 2024

men chika music by decade

Explore men chika history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of men chika artists

Here is a list of men chika artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the men chika genre. You can find out what men chika genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 625411
2 37 8112
3 37 8797
4 34 13418
5 31 52274
6 29 2499
7 27 4458
8 26 5158
9 24 12297
10 23 1219
11 22 3430
12 22 4299
13 21 1926
14 20 426
15 20 9334
16 18 5030
17 19 1182
18 19 2416
19 18 605
20 18 975
21 17 735
22 17 1157
23 17 1273
24 15 716
25 15 597
26 15 478
27 15 749
28 14 605
29 14 1162
30 12 726
31 12 1181
32 11 2170
33 11 721
34 11 349
35 11 784
36 10 516
37 10 591
38 10 798
39 10 1348
40 9 1216
41 9 842
42 9 1250
43 9 1840
44 9 442
45 8 389
46 8 417
47 8 619
48 8 504
49 8 669
50 7 374
51 7 240
52 7 357
53 7 1576
54 7 624
55 7 271
56 6 393
57 6 148
58 6 386
59 6 218
60 6 3340
61 5 618
62 5 254
63 5 3527
64 5 137
65 5 478
66 5 110
67 5 319
68 5 769
69 4 462
70 4 395
71 4 1050
72 4 380
73 4 558
74 4 250
75 4 625
76 4 320
77 4 308
78 4 1288
79 4 161
80 4 487
81 4 427
82 3 79
83 3 196
84 3 969
85 3 227
86 3 326
87 3 308
88 3 556
89 3 535
90 3 572
91 3 574
92 3 155
93 2 236
94 2 294
95 2 289
96 2 351
97 2 544
98 2 1447
99 2 386
100 2 379

men chika playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular men chika music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.