
Genre: merengue

Play genre

Merengue is a lively and upbeat music genre that originated in the Dominican Republic. It is characterized by its fast-paced rhythm, which is created by the use of percussion instruments such as the tambora, guira, and conga drums. The genre often features call-and-response vocals and lyrics that celebrate love, dance, and the joys of life. Merengue has gained popularity throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, and has been adapted into various sub-genres. Some of the most notable artists in the genre include Limi-T 21, Alex Bueno, and Sergio Vargas.

Most popular merengue artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Merengue genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 291
2024 16
2023 76
2022 72
2021 47
2020 80
2010s 365
2019 54
2018 62
2017 55
2016 37
2015 55
2014 24
2013 25
2012 20
2011 15
2010 18
2000s 258
2009 19
2008 15
2007 29
2006 61
2005 14
2004 21
2003 18
2002 29
2001 17
2000 35
1990s 290
1999 27
1998 32
1997 59
1996 31
1995 47
1994 30
1993 19
1992 17
1991 13
1990 15
1980s 101
1989 14
1988 10
1987 7
1986 5
1985 11
1984 7
1983 9
1982 8
1981 7
1980 23
1970s 18
1979 6
1978 1
1977 3
1976 1
1975 2
1973 2
1972 2
1971 1
1960s 6
1965 3
1964 3
1930s 1
1933 1
1330 releases

Popular merengue Songs

Top New merengue Songs of 2024

merengue music by decade

Explore merengue history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of merengue artists

Here is a list of merengue artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the merengue genre. You can find out what merengue genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 186650
2 57 338683
3 46 190404
4 51 233116
5 45 157835
6 45 145931
7 44 254117
8 51 287344
9 57 201432
10 56 289201
11 50 75964
12 56 561932
13 56 515129
14 45 109670
15 45 123346
16 55 246672
17 42 167818
18 42 88171
19 42 23404
20 39 224103
21 55 47488
22 35 34834
23 55 84459
24 37 117188
25 44 154920
26 38 82087
27 32 23051
28 36 67610
29 31 43529
30 31 46252
31 40 156767
32 50 123358
33 32 90957
34 26 35112
35 32 38664
36 42 76351
37 30 24092
38 30 48765
39 24 7666
40 45 111431
41 44 43690
42 44 55828
43 44 41917
44 33 72445
45 27 11811
46 24 12502
47 36 42280
48 36 82534
49 38 55213
50 39 5333
51 38 1182
52 36 43979
53 36 73659
54 36 31197
55 36 72263
56 33 1589
57 33 64115
58 33 38651
59 33 5903
60 32 2696
61 32 45693
62 31 2809
63 31 25294
64 30 1652
65 30 5161
66 30 2726
67 29 369
68 29 6378
69 28 21519
70 28 26788
71 28 2087
72 27 29281
73 27 1472
74 27 20927
75 27 14703
76 27 1475
77 26 3654
78 26 10953
79 25 3427
80 20 34219
81 25 1390
82 25 11026
83 25 2035
84 25 2062
85 24 6657
86 24 7014
87 24 17151
88 23 13363
89 23 16797
90 23 3840
91 22 9850
92 22 3713
93 22 3972
94 22 922
95 22 1124
96 21 10165
97 21 3474
98 21 3797
99 21 19156
100 20 2224

merengue playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular merengue music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.