
Genre: merseybeat

Play genre

Merseybeat is a music genre that originated in Liverpool, England in the early 1960s. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and harmonies. The genre is heavily influenced by rock and roll, skiffle, and rhythm and blues. Merseybeat bands often featured guitar-driven instrumentation and vocal harmonies. The genre gained popularity with the emergence of several successful bands, including some of the most iconic and influential bands in music history.

Most popular merseybeat artists

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Parent Genre: rock

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Merseybeat genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 163
2024 11
2023 31
2022 30
2021 45
2020 46
2010s 244
2019 40
2018 18
2017 22
2016 15
2015 21
2014 27
2013 23
2012 27
2011 18
2010 33
2000s 167
2009 29
2008 21
2007 14
2006 13
2005 33
2004 14
2003 10
2002 10
2001 7
2000 16
1990s 106
1999 8
1998 16
1997 22
1996 11
1995 3
1994 5
1993 10
1992 6
1991 10
1990 15
1980s 46
1989 9
1988 6
1987 3
1986 3
1985 7
1984 9
1983 1
1981 2
1980 6
1970s 71
1979 1
1978 5
1977 4
1976 5
1975 3
1974 6
1973 8
1972 8
1971 11
1970 20
1960s 237
1969 31
1968 31
1967 38
1966 30
1965 27
1964 23
1963 16
1962 19
1961 8
1960 14
1950s 9
1959 5
1958 2
1957 1
1956 1
1043 releases

Popular merseybeat Songs

Top New merseybeat Songs of 2024

merseybeat music by decade

Explore merseybeat history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of merseybeat artists

Here is a list of merseybeat artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the merseybeat genre. You can find out what merseybeat genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 56 346922
2 58 171489
3 61 637062
4 49 182489
5 51 137173
6 53 343401
7 47 261505
8 41 45800
9 42 82393
10 51 145308
11 45 79689
12 48 59874
13 42 60993
14 36 101262
15 86 28650802
16 32 33725
17 51 283535
18 65 1227819
19 44 247782
20 43 33113
21 46 89340
22 40 27262
23 35 38239
24 44 112978
25 35 43283
26 41 105820
27 45 35433
28 41 133258
29 32 26270
30 38 71875
31 33 33363
32 24 47400
33 33 88484
34 31 17495
35 31 25311
36 31 8976
37 30 38543
38 32 23341
39 28 15883
40 29 22808
41 31 8419
42 29 12613
43 29 19914
44 29 10699
45 26 7973
46 26 16803
47 25 11491
48 23 17296
49 22 5724
50 20 15854
51 19 4955
52 43 66457
53 42 237888
54 36 35536
55 36 56674
56 30 4757
57 32 17592
58 31 96823
59 31 21970
60 28 9698
61 27 9304
62 24 4736
63 24 3520
64 36 3462
65 20 17237
66 30 8421
67 18 4699
68 19 7142
69 18 6609
70 31 21493
71 18 1515
72 27 1802
73 21 1381
74 20 2674
75 7 580
76 16 3951
77 18 3385
78 17 1228
79 16 2561
80 16 3146
81 15 6546
82 15 4589
83 13 1458
84 10 2963
85 10 715
86 9 2754
87 5 174
88 4 3930
89 4 2408
90 3 617
91 2 970

merseybeat playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular merseybeat music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.