
Genre: messianic praise

Play genre

Messianic praise music is a genre that blends traditional Jewish music with contemporary Christian music. It often features Hebrew lyrics and instrumentation such as the shofar and tambourine. The genre is focused on praising and worshiping God, with lyrics that reflect the Jewish roots of Christianity and the belief in a coming Messiah. The music is often characterized by its joyful and celebratory tone, and is popular in both Jewish and Christian communities.

Most popular messianic praise artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Messianic Praise genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 56
2024 3
2023 10
2022 10
2021 13
2020 20
2010s 102
2019 10
2018 8
2017 4
2016 7
2015 8
2014 9
2013 12
2012 16
2011 12
2010 16
2000s 68
2009 3
2008 7
2007 3
2006 3
2005 7
2004 4
2003 8
2002 11
2001 13
2000 9
1990s 50
1999 15
1998 9
1997 10
1996 3
1994 5
1993 3
1992 1
1991 2
1990 2
1980s 4
1986 1
1985 1
1982 1
1980 1
1970s 3
1978 1
1976 2
283 releases

Popular messianic praise Songs

messianic praise music by decade

Explore messianic praise history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of messianic praise artists

Here is a list of messianic praise artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the messianic praise genre. You can find out what messianic praise genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 955838
2 52 89988
3 51 171866
4 46 75703
5 32 17157
6 32 15896
7 32 9445
8 32 23096
9 31 16909
10 30 6444
11 29 6112
12 29 4346
13 28 4375
14 27 3126
15 26 7913
16 25 5688
17 24 3386
18 24 984
19 23 4380
20 23 4633
21 23 5385
22 23 4645
23 23 3103
24 22 5739
25 21 2805
26 17 844
27 18 7778
28 17 1069
29 17 3119
30 16 4611
31 16 997
32 16 5992
33 15 2789
34 15 1890
35 15 3542
36 15 1250
37 15 1930
38 14 1728
39 14 2401
40 14 3012
41 13 442
42 13 1691
43 13 466
44 12 372
45 11 699
46 10 1357
47 9 1514
48 7 41
49 8 268
50 8 224
51 8 940
52 7 276
53 7 923
54 7 311
55 7 160
56 7 104
57 7 99
58 6 991
59 6 790
60 6 70
61 6 671
62 6 974
63 5 732
64 5 1202
65 4 356
66 4 1014
67 3 310
68 3 93
69 3 334
70 3 453
71 2 251
72 2 449
73 2 1043
74 1 352
75 1 118
76 1 475
77 1 105
78 1 225
79 1 264
80 1 105
81 1 371
82 1 106
83 1 763
84 1 746

messianic praise playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular messianic praise music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.